Democratic Party

Political Party


The Democratic Party

Founded: December 1991

Key Figures: Mwai Kibaki,

The Democratic Party is a conservative political party that was founded in 1991. In the 2002 legislative elections, the party was a partner in the National Rainbow Coalition, that won 56.1% of the popular vote and 125 out of 210 elected seats. The party itself took 36 of these seats. At the presidential elections of the same day, the party supported Mwai Kibaki, who won 62.2% and was elected. At the Kenyan general election, 2007, Democratic Party became part of the newly created Party of National Unity led by President Mwai Kibaki.

MISSION The mission of the Democratic Party of Kenya is to provide: A Democratic Popular, Participatory and Consultative Government that is based on Unity, Justice, Liberty, Equality, Transparency and Accountability. DP will create an enabling environment for more production and greater National productivity and therefore a richer nation and people.

CORE VALUES AND BELIEFS The Democratic Party of Kenya has clear values that are stipulated in the constitution and all leaders and members are required to abide by them as well as to propagate them. The Five (5) critical values that are at the heart of the work of the party are:- 1. Accountability 2. Transparency 3. Justice 4. Dignity 5. Tolerance

IDEOLOGY The Democratic Party believes and promotes the ideology of freedom of the individual, protection of human rights and a free market economy within the principles of a nationalist Kenya. The party view is that Kenya should be a land of plenty with an open and democratic government under the rule of law. The party is committed to preventing and resisting public corruption. DP believes in the separation of powers among the various organs of Government and constitutional rule.


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