Amina has been nominated to the House more than any other politician. Her first employment was in 1993 at GTZ a German government development agency, through which she was involved in rescue work at Daadab Refugee camp in North Eastern Kenya. Her mobilization skills granted her favour with donors, and as a result the World Conservation Union employed her as a regional coordinator. In 2002 she took leave of absence from her work place to campaign for Uhuru Kenyatta, the person she owes her three nominations to parliament. Amina who is an environmental scientist encourages women to invest in political parties and explore avenues of owning them.
Amina Abdalla has spoken 2343 times in Parliament.
National Assembly, 15 Jun 2017
National Assembly, 31 May 2017
National Assembly, 31 May 2017
National Assembly, 31 May 2017
National Assembly, 31 May 2017