Eldoret East

Constituency (Parliament)

Past Constituency: from 28th December 2007 to 14th January 2013

CDF Projects (339)

There are 339 CDF projects in Eldoret East. These are the most expensive:

  • Meibeki Water project (2004): Ksh 2,992,000 spent on Construction. (more)
  • Arbabuch Brige (2003): Ksh 2,300,742 spent on Construction. (more)
  • Kapsubere Water Project (2003): Ksh 2,250,000 spent on Purchase Of Pipes. (more)
  • Tachasis secondary school (2004): Ksh 2,194,000 spent on Construction. (more)
  • E Moiben Marakwet Road (2006): Ksh 2,000,000 spent on Gravelling/Grading Murram. (more)
  • Off Cheplasgei Road (2006): Ksh 2,000,000 spent on Gravelling/Grading Murram. (more)
  • Chepkero Water project (2004): Ksh 2,000,000 spent on Purchase Pipes&Intake. (more)
  • Chepngoror secondary school (2004): Ksh 1,940,000 spent on Construction. (more)
  • Masise Water Project (2003): Ksh 1,800,000 spent on Construction of Water Tank-Piping. (more)
  • E Rayfarm Bugar Road (2006): Ksh 1,800,000 spent on Gravelling/Grading Murram. (more)


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