
Constituency (Parliament)

Past Constituency: from 28th December 2007 to 14th January 2013

CDF Projects (417)

There are 417 CDF projects in Kilome. These are the most expensive:

  • KITAINGO BOREHOLE (2004): Ksh 5,200,000 spent on Drilling, Equipping,Construction of piping extensions, construction of distribution kiosks and purchase of 10 water tanks. (more)
  • NEW KASIKEU S.H.G BOREHOLE (2003): Ksh 3,300,000 spent on Drilling, Equipping and Distribution of water to larger community. (more)
  • KALIMBINI/LUMU W/P (2004): Ksh 3,300,000 spent on Piping Extensions from Nolturesh main pipe to kalimbini villages, construction of distribution kiosks and purchase of storage water tanks. (more)
  • KASIKEU GIRLS SECONDARY School (2004): Ksh 2,850,000 spent on Construction of Class. (more)
  • KAYATA GIRLS SECONDARY School (2004): Ksh 2,700,000 spent on Construction of an administration block and Classrooms. (more)
  • MUSAANI SECONDARY School (2003): Ksh 2,455,000 spent on Construction of Classrooms and Administration block. (more)
  • NGAAMBA BOREHOLE (2004): Ksh 2,400,000 spent on Rehabilitation of facility. (more)
  • KAKETA W/P (2005): Ksh 2,250,000 spent on Desilting of dam, construction of additional walls and piping of water to the community.. (more)
  • KIU SECONDARY School (2004): Ksh 2,250,000 spent on Construction of a dormitory and laboratory. (more)
  • St. MARTINS DE PORES MALILI SECONDARY School (2005): Ksh 2,200,000 spent on Construction of Classrooms. (more)


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