There are 343 CDF projects in Migori.
These are the most expensive:
Anjego secondary School (2004):
Ksh 8,700,000
spent on Construction of Classrooms.
Kazadrack Mikuro Masara Godkwer road (2008):
Ksh 4,000,000
spent on Opening &grading.
Masara God Kweru Munyu Bridge (2009):
Ksh 4,000,000
spent on Construction of Accessibity.
Ore Bridge (2008):
Ksh 4,000,000
spent on Construction of bridge.
Sangla Nyamanga Korwa Kikoma Kahezron Road (2007):
Ksh 3,500,000
spent on Construction of Road.
Nyamilu Dam (2006):
Ksh 3,200,000
spent on Rehabilitation.
Lwanda Otang Dam (2006):
Ksh 3,120,000
spent on Construction of Dam.
Pundo Mariwa Dam (2009):
Ksh 3,000,000
spent on Constructing dam.
Masara Dam (2007):
Ksh 2,800,000
spent on Construction of Dam.
Kasunga Dam (2007):
Ksh 2,700,000
spent on Construction of Dam.