Narok North

Constituency (Parliament)

Past Constituency: from 28th December 2007 to 14th January 2013

CDF Projects (75)

There are 75 CDF projects in Narok North. These are the most expensive:

  • Enabelibeli Health Centre (2004): Ksh 4,000,000 spent on Construction of staff houses (4) in number self contained and renovation of maternity ward. (more)
  • Olokurto secondary School (2004): Ksh 3,500,000 spent on Construction of Dormitory and ablution block and beds. (more)
  • Nailogilog Dam (2004): Ksh 3,000,000 spent on Desilting of Dam. (more)
  • Sosian Water Project. (2004): Ksh 3,000,000 spent on Construction of 2 water tanks and pipe work to consumers. (more)
  • Sosian Water Project (2006): Ksh 2,000,000 spent on Completion of Piping. (more)
  • Olchorro secondary School (2003): Ksh 1,680,000 spent on Renovations of Classrooms, Adm. Block, Generator room Dormitory and plumbing and electrical works.. (more)
  • Iloiboti Water Tank (2004): Ksh 1,200,000 spent on Construction of storage tank and pipe works to consumers. (more)
  • Katakala Pr. School (2003): Ksh 1,140,000 spent on Renovations of Classrooms, Con. 2 new Classrooms Adm. Block, and staff houses. (more)
  • Moi primary School (2005): Ksh 1,000,000 spent on Construction of staff houses and renovation of Classrooms. (more)
  • Nkareta secondary School (2004): Ksh 1,000,000 spent on Construction of Dormitory. (more)


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