
Constituency (Parliament)

Past Constituency: from 28th December 2007 to 14th January 2013

CDF Projects (187)

There are 187 CDF projects in Ndaragwa. These are the most expensive:

  • Mairo Inya - Shamata road (2003): Ksh 2,570,000 spent on Provide quarry waste. (more)
  • Mbuyu-Karagoini (2004): Ksh 2,250,000 spent on Provide water. (more)
  • Shauri dispensary (2003): Ksh 2,008,000 spent on Build dispensary. (more)
  • Karai Kaka Road (2003): Ksh 1,700,000 spent on Provide quarry waste. (more)
  • Karampton-Mairo 4 road (2003): Ksh 1,450,000 spent on Provide quarry waste. (more)
  • Ndaragwa H. Centre (2004): Ksh 1,400,000 spent on Maternity wing. (more)
  • Kinandora W. Project (2006): Ksh 1,350,000 spent on Water pipes. (more)
  • Sharps road (2003): Ksh 1,350,000 spent on Provide quarry waste. (more)
  • Mung'etho Karagoini (2006): Ksh 1,270,000 spent on Purchase pipes. (more)
  • Pesi-Shamata road (2004): Ksh 900,000 spent on Provide quarry waste. (more)


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