There are 79 CDF projects in Nyaribari Masaba.
These are the most expensive:
Bursary (2004):
Ksh 23,695,995
spent on Bursary.
Nyamasibi Health Centre/Nyasike (2003):
Ksh 6,306,534
spent on Construction of Dispensary.
Geteri Dispensary (2004):
Ksh 4,006,100
spent on Construction of Dispensary.
Moreremi Polytechnic (2008):
Ksh 4,000,000
spent on Electrification Sutrvey.
Moreremi Youth Polytechnic (2008):
Ksh 4,000,000
spent on Construction of 5 Classrooms.
Ibacho Health Centre (2003):
Ksh 3,190,920
spent on Construction of Dispensary.
Masimba Cdf Office (2008):
Ksh 2,000,000
spent on Construction of Office Block.
Nyamagesa Dispensary (2008):
Ksh 2,000,000
spent on Construction of Dispensary.
Sasati-Moreremi Road (2008):
Ksh 1,900,000
spent on Openning.
Mogweko Dispensary (2008):
Ksh 1,400,000
spent on Construction of Stored Block.