There are 16 CDF projects in Tetu.
These are the most expensive:
Hubu-Ini Dispensary (2006):
Ksh 3,920,000
spent on Construction And Equipping.
Zaina Dispensary (2006):
Ksh 3,500,000
spent on Construction/Equipping Of Maternity Wing.
Unjiru Dispensary/Health Centre (2004):
Ksh 2,900,000
spent on Construction/Equipment.
Thage-Ini Dispensary (2008):
Ksh 1,950,000
spent on Construction.
Njogu-Ini Dispensary (2007):
Ksh 1,300,000
spent on Extension/ Construction Of Maternity Wing.
Njogu-ini Dispensary (2007):
Ksh 1,300,000
spent on Extension/construction of maternity wing.
Gathaithi Dispensary (2007):
Ksh 1,000,000
spent on Construction.
Githakwa dispensary (2009):
Ksh 1,000,000
spent on Construction of a dispensary.
Wamagana Health Centre (2004):
Ksh 821,000
spent on Construction/Rehabilitation.
Kirurumi Dispensary (2004):
Ksh 750,000
spent on Construction And Equipping.