All parliamentary appearances

Entries 11 to 20 of 586.

  • 5 Apr 2017 in National Assembly: (u) by deleting paragraphs (u) and (v); (v) in paragraph (w) by inserting the words “fees and charges” immediately after the words “governments on levies”; (w) by deleting paragraph (x) and substituting therefor the following new paragraph─ “(x) advice the national and county governments on matters relating to policies on marketing of livestock and livestock products;” (x) in paragraph (y) by inserting the words “in collaboration with county governments” immediately before the words “co-ordinate the promotion”; (y) by deleting paragraph (z) and substituting therefor the following new paragraph─ “(z) facilitate, in liaison with county governments and communities, the establishment of ... view
  • 5 Apr 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, it is just to leave the development of livestock and livestock products to county governments and then the Council deals with marketing promotion. view
  • 5 Apr 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I beg to move: view
  • 5 Apr 2017 in National Assembly: THAT, Clause 6 of the Bill be amended─ The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 5 Apr 2017 in National Assembly: (a) in subclause (1) by─ view
  • 5 Apr 2017 in National Assembly: (i) deleting paragraphs (d) and (e); (ii) deleting paragraph (g) and substitute therefor the following new paragraph─ “(g) three persons appointed by the Cabinet Secretary taking into consideration principles of gender and regional balance’’ (b) in sub-clause (2) by deleting the word “Cabinet Secretary” and substituting therefor the word “President” view
  • 5 Apr 2017 in National Assembly: (c) by deleting sub-clause (3); (d) in sub-clause (4), by deleting the phrase “as chairperson or member of the Board under sub-section (1)(a), (i), (j) or (k)” and substitute therefor the phrase “a member of the Board under sub-section (1) (f), (g) and (h)” My amendment and that of the Members are the same. The justification is to have more participation of the private sector in the Board rather than having so many public servants. We need to have four members of the Board appointed by the CS from the private sector. The CS needs to consider the principles of ... view
  • 5 Apr 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, this is in line with our Constitution, which provides that regional and gender balance must be observed in public appointments. There is nowhere livestock cannot be reared in this country. Some areas have more livestock than others, but people in every part of the country rear animals in one way or the other. view
  • 5 Apr 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I beg to move: view
  • 5 Apr 2017 in National Assembly: THAT, Clause 9 of the Bill be amended by deleting the words “section 6 (1)(i), (j) and (k) shall hold office for a term of four” and substituting therefor the words “section 6(1) (f) (g) and (h) shall hold office for a term of three”. This is about the terms of office for the chairperson and board members. This was indicated as four years, but it has been reduced to three years in line with the State Corporations Act. view


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