All parliamentary appearances
Entries 111 to 120 of 940.
23 Jun 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, of which he did not. The House does not make noise. Let me substitute it with “we have been raising issues” as the Senate. That rests my case.
23 Jun 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, noted. With those few remarks, I wish to welcome Sen. (Dr.) Zani to second this Motion. I beg to Move.
23 Jun 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I am standing to agree with your ruling. I proposed Sen (Dr.) Zani because we both sit in the Rules and Business Committee (RBC). We deliberated on this issue this afternoon and so it was not intentional; it is because we sit in the RBC.
6 May 2015 in Senate:
Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this very important Bill. From the outset, I thank the Mover, Sen. Murungi, for coming up with this Bill. If we look at the history of this country, we have really come a long way especially the Kenyan Parliament. I listened very keenly when the mover was moving this Bill yesterday, giving the events of what exactly happened. It was not easy to get to where we are. It was a fight. I want to thank the people who were there before me; Sen. Orengo and Hon. ...
31 Mar 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. The hon. Senator says the connection fee is Kshs300,000. During the years that I was in the energy sector, it has never been that much. It is between Kshs32,000 to Kshs35,000. So, I do not know about this sum of Kshs300,000. Is it a three-phase to a factory? For simple homes, domestic use is Kshs35,000.
31 Mar 2015 in Senate:
Is he in order to say “young educated people” do not run the office properly? Could he be direct instead of taking us round in circles?
31 Mar 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, thank you for giving me this opportunity to contribute on this very important Motion. From the outset, I want to thank the President for the wonderful statement that was well articulated. When I listened to all the policies, achievements, the downfalls and the challenges, I knew we are on the right track. I say so because we have come from an era with many challenges. The President elaborated many issues which I think, as a Senate, we have to analyse thoroughly. In his Speech, the President mentioned the importance of the Ministry of Mining where he ...
31 Mar 2015 in Senate:
Thank you for that correction. I mean Kshs1.2 billion. It rose from Kshs21 million to Kshs1.2 billion. Last week when we were debating the Mining Bill, it is unfortunate that some of our colleagues walked out, I wish they were there but I believe when it comes to the Third Reading, they can make some improvement at the Committee Stage. I say that because most of the countries which have turned around their economies have really realigned themselves on their mineral resources. We have many minerals in this country and if well managed through policies and laws, I believe that ...
31 Mar 2015 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. With due respect to my brother, the Senator for Kakamega, Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, who made a very good presentation, is he in order to say that the CS, Eng. Kamau, is a thief? I thought that all these people are innocent until proven guilty. So, for one to come here and say that “so- and-so has acquired this and that;” these people are under investigation. Why do we not leave it to the investigators to come up with their report?
31 Mar 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I am getting confused about what Sen. Orengo is saying. Are there two reports before the Senate? I thought that we are seized of one report. Which other report do we have?