All parliamentary appearances
Entries 201 to 210 of 940.
5 Mar 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, while I agree with my colleagues on their sentiments, I happen to have followed the debate last week on Thursday when it was moved by the Chair of the Committee in charge of legal affairs in the National Assembly. I also listened to the interventions and I remember very well that the Deputy Speaker at that time promised that a ruling would be made in ten days. This morning, I happened to have listened to the debate. On Sunday, I talked to the National Assembly Majority Leader and hon. Chepkonga and I thought it is prudent that ...
26 Feb 2014 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this Motion. Mr. Speaker, Sir, from the outset, I want to say that I had the privilege of serving in the Ministry of Energy for two years and I am also in the Committee on Energy, Roads and Transportation. So, I happened to have been part of the team that travelled to Menengai, Olkaria and Silale. I also happened to have been there, under the leadership of Sen. Kiraitu, when the GDC was formed. It is good to note that what some of my colleagues are saying ...
26 Feb 2014 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. With due respect to my colleague, is it in order for Sen. Janet Ong’era to say that Sen. Mong’are who has The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
26 Feb 2014 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I wish to support this Motion. The reasons which have been advanced by the Mover, the Senate Majority Leader, and the seconder are valid. I wish to say congratulations to my friend, the Senator for Bungoma, Sen. Moses Wetangula; only that you did not realize that I was really praying hard for you to recapture your seat.
26 Feb 2014 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
25 Feb 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I want to urge this House to support the names that have been read out. I want to say that for continuity of the activities of the Senate, this hon. Senators have been doing a great job in the sense that they do not even miss their meetings; they are there on time to set the agenda of this House. I want to say that it is not because other Members are unable to do the job. I am a Member of this team but what I am saying is ...
14 Feb 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, following your ruling, when we met here, you made it clear that in the event that the allegations against either the Governor or the Deputy Governor are not proved, then the Report will end at the Committee level. I am just supporting what Sen. Billow is saying; therefore, this afternoon, we have had the two reports tabled here and I think it will be good for the Senate to dispose of the two Reports The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from ...
14 Feb 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, following your ruling, when we met here, you made it clear that in the event that the allegations against either the Governor or the Deputy Governor are not proved, then the Report will end at the Committee level. I am just supporting what Sen. Billow is saying; therefore, this afternoon, we have had the two reports tabled here and I think it will be good for the Senate to dispose of the two Reports The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from ...
14 Feb 2014 in Senate:
Thank you Mr. Speaker, Sir for giving me this opportunity. I came here with an open mind; in the sense that Martin Wambora served in the Ninth Parliament, with you and me. He has had a long serving career as a civil servant, a very good legislator and, therefore, I was keen while listening to the Committee presenting its case. I have no doubt, therefore, that if my friend was the first one to have won the race of facing the Senate, I have no option other than to say that I support the recommendations by the Committee. I thank ...
14 Feb 2014 in Senate:
Thank you Mr. Speaker, Sir for giving me this opportunity. I came here with an open mind; in the sense that Martin Wambora served in the Ninth Parliament, with you and me. He has had a long serving career as a civil servant, a very good legislator and, therefore, I was keen while listening to the Committee presenting its case. I have no doubt, therefore, that if my friend was the first one to have won the race of facing the Senate, I have no option other than to say that I support the recommendations by the Committee. I thank ...