9 Oct 2024 in Senate:
Yes, I am directly translating from my Kalenjin mind so Members will have to bear with it. Justice should not only be done, but should be seen to be done. Some of us went to group of schools. The point is, the plenary process will allow Kenyans to follow whether we convict or acquit. This is because the Lower House was a pre-trial Chamber and this is the real trial Chamber where we shall be setting precedent for future impeachments. I am not predicting that there will be impeachment of Presidents or Deputy Presidents in future. I do not know ...
9 Oct 2024 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, from the onset, I want to support with reservations the Elections Offences (Amendment)(No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No.28 of 2024). If there is any aspect in this Parliament, and in this Republic of Kenya that we have over-legislated, and we continue to over legislate is the issue of elections laws in this country. We have amended the Election Act until we do not know the original Election Act of 2011. Therefore, it shows our mistrust of the value system of accountability and transparency and the ability to trust institutions as a country. You no longer know the ...
9 Oct 2024 in Senate:
There are many factors and safeguards that this Constitution has put on State officers. One is the impeachment process, two is the vote of no confidence, three is the censure Motion, four is the recall. These are safeguards that the Constitution has provided to checkmate the elected officials or State officers within the structure. Therefore, when you see this Bill trying to delete a section, purportedly that it was based on Wambui case or Katiba Institute case that was being decided, we are undermining the right of recall, which is a constitutional matter given as a safeguard. Therefore, I found ...
9 Oct 2024 in Senate:
how to speak Swahili, English or sign language as provided by law. You should also have an Identity Card (ID). This is for people who are arguing that Parliament had intention of locking out any other potential people to become elected MPs or MCAs. If today we pass this proposal, it will mean there will be no need of educational requirements except to know how to read and write and to either speak in Swahili or English or sign language because those are national languages. This came from the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO). It will be up to the wisdom ...
9 Oct 2024 in Senate:
usually say, per polling station or centre, although they use classrooms because we usually primary schools. There are places like Nairobi and other places where there is a huge population and the IEBC will be given the leeway to increase the number of polling stations to allow efficiency. This is because, sometimes, some votes will have challenges of sicknesses, disabled, expectant and others are sickly and they will be given priority. We would not want the scenario of the githeri man where a man will queue with githeri and get a Head of State commendation, while some people who have ...
9 Oct 2024 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, for those guided directions. Those were general comments. I will now delve into serious issues on election offences. I was saying that when you are moving election results from one polling station to another, there can be stuffing of ballot papers. For example, you could be taking them from Keumbu to Siongiroi and I was saying that Satan is always active during the elections period, that night and even, during nominations. Satan is always perambulating and gallivanting at that time. That is why it ties up when you look at Section 6 of the ...
9 Oct 2024 in Senate:
If today you have ungazetted polling stations all over, rigging happens, and ballot papers are stuffed. The worst thing that happens to a country is to have the wrong person in a seat because they will not serve. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, on the issue of knowingly or intentionally interfering, altering, or intentionally causing another person to interfere or alter declared results--- Also, causing another person to interfere or alter declared results. We did it in 2007, and we knew the consequences when people declared themselves winners, which is unfortunate and must be punished. This is why, in my opening ...
9 Oct 2024 in Senate:
“(f) wilfully counts any ballot paper as being cast for any candidate which they know or have reasonable cause to believe was not validly cast for that candidate.” This is normally a problem. The problem happens when there is a contest on whether the ballot paper is valid or not. Sometimes, people tick outside the box, others put X, and others draw cows. Somebody can draw a cow. There is a new song by Trio Mio called “ Nimekumark ”; some people can say
9 Oct 2024 in Senate:
The issue should be whether a mark qualifies to give it a valid vote. Then Clause 5: These are just errors on which we need to agree. I need a minute to conclude. This is bribery and it should be punished alongside other election offences. With those very many remarks, I support. We need to review the electoral offences, so that we can increase more catalogue and punish people in the electoral process. Invalid elections cause instability in the country. I thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, sir.
8 Oct 2024 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Chairperson, I think this tax exists. In fact, under the Finance Bill, it can be reviewed yearly. So, even if it is on the Gambling Bill as at the moment, it can still be reviewed within the Finance Bill yearly depending on the financial year.