Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 131 to 140 of 576.

  • 20 Feb 2019 in National Assembly: It is very encouraging to know that sports are very important and that we need funds set aside for the function. We are aware as Members of Parliament that we are always asked to sponsor sports, but we never have enough funds to do so. So, this is a Fund that is going to support sportsmen and sportswomen in the countryside. I remember asking how the Fund, if devolved, would reach the youth at the grassroots. I was informed very clearly that the Fund will support the youth at the grassroots level. All that is needed is for various sports ... view
  • 20 Feb 2019 in National Assembly: Secondly, we agreed that the Principal Secretary will be the administrator of the Fund. That is in good stead because PSs normally are the Authority to Incur Expenditure (AIE) holders of funds within their ministries. Therefore, it is the right direction on how the Fund is going to be managed. There is definitely going to be the trustees who have various skills and knowledge about managing the Fund. It is known that the Fund will be managed very well from what we learnt. At the ministry level, they are also frustrated that they would like to carry out certain sports ... view
  • 20 Feb 2019 in National Assembly: What was challenging in our discussion is that some of the monies were apportioned according to percentages. They talked about 35 per cent in sports, 60 per cent for universal health care and not more than 20 per cent… If all this is added, it comes to 120 per cent. If we talk about percentages, it should come to 100 per cent. That is where the challenge lies and so there is need to make amendments. We need to be very specific on how much goes to sports. Is it exactly 35 per cent? Whatever percentage is given to the ... view
  • 20 Feb 2019 in National Assembly: It was also observed that we are coming up with many stadia. I remember last year we went for a trip to Meru and we were very impressed with the stadium that has been built in Meru. It is actually being built to international standards. If what we saw is what will be built in every county, then let us go for it. It is really good. We were very impressed, but we were also very disappointed that some stadia that are coming up have not been developed any further from the level of the foundation and yet, a lot ... view
  • 20 Feb 2019 in National Assembly: It was also very discouraging to learn that while some counties are coming up with stadia of international standards, there are certain regions that have been forgotten. One of my colleagues has mentioned that matter. Nyanza, where I come from, there is none. There is no stadium in Kisii, Homa Bay, Kakamega or anywhere else in that region that is going to benefit from the project that is meant to have every county get a stadium. The belief and notion here is that the 290 constituencies will have standardised stadia. We, however, see some kind of discrimination. Some regions have ... view
  • 20 Feb 2019 in National Assembly: I want to conclude by saying that… view
  • 20 Feb 2019 in National Assembly: So far, the impression is good. What is going on is very encouraging. Where there are weaknesses, we encourage them to do better work and ensure that the stadia are going to be constructed to international standards. They should have all the necessary equipment and facilities. I support the Bill because it is going to address the lifestyle of all Kenyans. We know that sports form part and parcel of our health. Thank you. view
  • 21 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: (Siaya CWR, ODM) view
  • 14 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for this opportunity. I have been amazed about the argument going on between the two Bills that are similar. I am of the view that actually if they are similar, then we need to agree that they are similar and then we can collapse them into one and acknowledge who actually came up with the Bill. That will come later, not now. At this point, there is need to contribute to this particular Bill even though it may be similar to the one sponsored by the Government. The other issue is about pension. When ... view
  • 14 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Teachers have complained about retirement. There are teachers in this country who retired in 1997. In the last Parliament, I was in the Departmental Committee on Education and Research and cases of teachers who retired in 1997 has not been resolved. Teachers have died without receiving their dues. It is a big shame for a country to allow such things to happen. In other countries, retired people are senior citizens who are looked after very well. In other foreign countries, retired people whom they call senior citizens are given free services. When they get into public buses, they have special ... view


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