Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 251 to 260 of 576.

  • 23 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. This is a very important Motion that deals with the national values and principles of governance. When you talk about values, so many things come to my mind. They are things that guide us to be members of the human community. The values that human beings are expected to have are like honesty, kindness, supporting one another, being Kenyans and being people who live in peace, love and unity, so that we can relate with each other in society. When you look at them, you do not see this ... view
  • 23 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: Africa happen in Kenya. That means that Kenya is a very violent society that has no respect for peace, love and caring for each other. If the police system, which is supposed to protect us, is actually killing people, then we have lost the kind of values that we should have. We really are unsafe. We are people who discriminate against each other. There is no nationhood among us. There are no values that we admire in our country because we are not a united nation where people speak for each other. We bring down one another. We play politics ... view
  • 23 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: All the time, we talk about tribalism, ethnicity and terrorism. In this country, we use the language of violence. We need to have values such as love and peace among ourselves and the Government should help in promoting these values. However, the Government is watching helplessly. It cannot do anything. That is why we are where are. When we are rated amongst The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 23 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: other nations that have values and good governance, we are at the bottom of the list. There is no way we will be anywhere. If you talk about extrajudicial killings that I have just referred to, 122 out of 177 crimes committed in Africa happen in Kenya. The whole of Africa is not at peace. We are at war with each other and Kenya is leading. Kenya is the one with the worst indexes of all kinds of crimes that are committed today. view
  • 23 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: In conclusion, I just want to say that we still need time to address the challenges that we have in terms of leadership and good governance. We cannot trust the Government anymore when we see crimes committed and it is helpless. When the President cannot even address corruption and he gives up, then, we have lost the war. We have lost the values that we aspired to have in the Constitution. We need values and they must be part of our attitude towards our relationships with one another. It is part of the practices that we should engage with as ... view
  • 23 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I support what we are discussing. view
  • 22 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. I am happy to contribute to this Sessional Paper because I support it. Buildings, like the clothes we wear, require maintenance. We need to keep on improving on them and making sure that they are usable at all times until their time has expired. Buildings in this country are beautiful. We have very good buildings, tall and small, bungalows and skyscrapers. However, if there is no maintenance, then, we stand the risk of suffering in the sense that they are not upgraded and are too old and insecure for ... view
  • 22 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: require a lift being put into a tall building that never had one before or some staircases have cracked or the paint has fallen off and the building requires painting. That must be factored in the Budget that we normally have in this House when we come up with budgets for various items. Another reason for maintenance is that you also want to clear the environment and make it clean and healthy for occupants. Sometimes, we may need to maintain a building for historical purposes. It may be a very old building like Fort Jesus and you do not want ... view
  • 25 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for this opportunity. First and foremost, I want to thank Hon. Florence for bringing this amendment. What is interesting and which I highly support is the definition of “sexual offence”. It includes what we never think about. Things like non-verbal which may not be used here distinctly, but it deals with touching of private parts of a person. That must be included. Touching breasts, buttocks and other private parts is part of sexual offences that must be understood as an offence. More than that, I would like to include words such as winking at a person, ... view
  • 25 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: Winking is very common in the streets and marketplaces. These are sexual offences. They must be included in this Bill. It is very critical. Sexual offences are very rampant in this country. The victims are normally infants: two or six-month olds, helpless children, little girls. Sometimes you have sexual offences committed against people living with disabilities; even old women. As long as people are helpless, they are seen to be weak, they tend to be abused. This is the category of human beings that are often abused. We need laws that will strictly punish perpetrators. I think this Bill does ... view


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