David Ouma Ochieng'

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All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2301 to 2305 of 2305.

  • 15 Oct 2008 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I will be very brief. I want to thank Mr. Namwamba and Dr. Khalwale for bringing this Motion to Parliament. Floods have been a very serious disaster in this country. Although the Assistant Minister is stopping us from blaming the Government, I want to say that the Government is wholly to blame for all these menace we are experiencing in this country, especially with regard to floods. Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, in my constituency, floods are known to be taking place in the month of April when we experience heavy rains. I do not understand why ... view
  • 7 Aug 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I stand to oppose this Motion for very simple reasons. We have not been here for so long and so we do not need any recess at this particular time. Hon. Members who are alleging that they have not been going home to do the constituency work have actually been cheating the Accounting Officers up there by claiming their mileage allowance by saying that they have been at home and they want reimbursement. We feel that it is high time we told them to refund the monies they have been claiming as mileage because they have ... view
  • 6 Aug 2008 in National Assembly: asked the Minister for Forestry and Wildlife:- (a) whether he is aware of the existence of a human-wildlife conflict in the villages around Lake Victoria in Nyakach Constituency, caused by Hippopotamus from the lake, which has led to the destruction of property and crops; and, (b) what action he is taking to compensate the affected families and safeguard human life and property in the affected areas. view
  • 6 Aug 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the answer seems to be lacking a bit in terms of what I had asked, because as far as I am concerned, these animals are really marauding in the villages especially in an area called Nyakwere and Sango. They have been destroying crops and the last time that wildlife people were there was in 1998. So, I wonder whether this base which was set 2396 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES August 6, 2008 up in Homa Bay is really going to help curb this problem. Could the Assistant Minister promise that he is going to set up another base ... view
  • 6 Aug 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I want to believe what the Assistant Minister has promised. I hope that he is going to take some serious action to make sure that the animals are taken care off. view


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