All parliamentary appearances
Entries 331 to 340 of 1195.
29 May 2012 in National Assembly:
The Attorney-General (Prof. Muigai) seconded.
29 May 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I just wish to thank the Members for supporting this very important Bill.
29 May 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, as you are aware, the laws that were passed to provide for vetting of judges and magistrates have taken effect. The Board of Chairman Rao has already vetted the Court of Appeal judges. Out of the nine judges, four judges went home. They are now moving to the High Court, where they are going to vet 44 judges. If we have a similar number of casualties, we are going to have a serious shortage of judges. This amendment will allow us now to add a number of Court of Appeal judges up to 30, and High Court ...
29 May 2012 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much.
29 May 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, before the House rose last time, I was on my feet, looking at the state of legal education in our country and reminding hon. Members that at one time in this country, we had the Law Faculty at the University of Nairobi, which was the only one giving legal education at the time. Over time, we have had a proliferation of many other institutions that are offering law degrees, apart from the University of Nairobi. Given the plethora of institutions teaching law, there is need for effective control and supervision to ensure that the quality of legal ...
29 May 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, after consultations, we got specific recommendations from this task force in terms of delivery of legal education in our country, and the necessary improvements that needed to be made. After receiving those recommendations, the Government, realising the importance of legal education and training in a democratic society, embarked on certain reforms to ensure that legal training in this country is carried to the next level.
29 May 2012 in National Assembly:
We believe that it is essential, in order for the rule of law to be adhered to and for justice to be upheld in this country, to have training of lawyers to not just good standards but to international standards in order for them to serve effectively, compete and uphold international standards in the practice of law in our country. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, as a result of this, we have come up with a Bill to address all the recommendations that had been made by the task force to ensure that we deal with the problem of a ...
24 May 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am most grateful for your ruling. There is great urgency to some of the amendments that we have proposed through this Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendment) Bill. My Ministry is particularly affected. As of this morning, we had the Judges and Magistrates Vetting Board visiting us and we had audience with the Prime Minister to discuss a very worrying aspect of their mandate because Section 23 limits the period within which they are to vet Judges of the Court of Appeal and Judges of the High Court to only three months. That is according to Section 23(2). ...
22 May 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, Mr. Cheptumo had asked for a little time to come and answer this Question, but unfortunately, he is unable to make it today. With the permission of the Chair, I would ask for further indulgence of the hon. Member to have us answer this Question, perhaps on Thursday, when Mr.Cheptumo would be here. Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
22 May 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I indicated that Dr. Nuh had talked to Mr. Cheptumo and required further information or an amended answer. But due to the security situation in Baringo, he is unable to be in the House today. He had prepared to answer this Question. I was telling Dr. Nuh that he will be here on Thursday. If you will indulge him, he will be here to answer this Question. Otherwise, I am prepared to proceed and answer the Question as it is.