Francis Chachu Ganya

Parties & Coalitions




P.O. Box 298-60500 Marsabit


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1081 to 1090 of 1798.

  • 5 Sep 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, Part Two is about the National Drought Management Authority. It is about the Authority that is to be established and its functions. It will basically have all the powers to manage drought and co-ordinate all the activities that are related to drought management, including the implementation of policies, as well as co-ordinating drought response initially being undertaken by other bodies, including Government and NGOs. It will also propose efforts into development of policies, plans, programmes and projects in order to ensure proper management of drought. This is really to reduce duplication as we harmonize all our ... view
  • 5 Sep 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, finally, it will also operate under efficient drought early warning systems, facilitate national and county level drought co-ordination process and assist in the preparation of national and county level drought contingency plans. It will also, once in a while, establish designated manual scores or guidelines relating to drought management and prevention of extreme effects of drought on human, plant and animal life. Once in a while, it will prepare and issue an annual report on the state of drought management in Kenya. It will also have the powers, as a State corporation, like any other in ... view
  • 5 Sep 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, the Authority will also enter into collaboration with all other organizations within or outside Kenya, for it to be in a position to further its mandate and achieve its objective. Others are just functions or powers that any State corporation in Kenya is entitled to do. It will have members of the board, chairperson and board of directors who will be appointed by the Minister responsible for matters relating to drought management as well as the Minister responsible for matters relating to finance. It will have four other directors appointed by the Cabinet Secretary with the ... view
  • 5 Sep 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, as I was working on this Bill, we had several consultations with Members of Parliament, stakeholders, as well as international Non- Government Organizations (NGOs). It was just on 3rd and 5th May, 2012 that we had a meeting in Naivasha, at Enashipai Lodge, where most of the stakeholders came on board. We were able to look at the Bill very critically with the support of the Legal Department of Parliament. We were even able to look at the necessary amendments for this Bill to be more useful to the State corporation, which was already established by ... view
  • 5 Sep 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, as I mentioned earlier on, I moved the Motion in 2009 and have worked very closely with the Minister. The President was kind enough to give an Executive order which establishes this Authority. All we are doing now is just to have the Act of Parliament or statute for this Authority, to move from an Executive order to be legally based and function legally in our country through the Act of Parliament. Most of the functions are already in place. view
  • 5 Sep 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, with those few remarks, I beg to move and ask Dr. Khalwale to second. view
  • 5 Sep 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, from the outset I really want to thank my colleagues, who have supported this Bill wholeheartedly. I have taken their comments on board, and I will use the information to improve this Bill further before we go to Committee Stage. In particular, I want to thank the Minister of State for Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid Areas, because I have worked with him very well. They have worked from the Executive side and I have worked from the legislative side and we have brought it this far. Finally, I assure my colleagues that God ... view
  • 30 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. view
  • 29 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, some of these fresh produce markets have been completed. My constituency is North Horr, maybe one of the farthest constituencies from this capital City. Even those which have been completed, two years down the road, they are just rusting and gathering dust. What will the Ministry do to make these markets operational, so that they can serve the Kenyan public? view
  • 29 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I stand to support this Bill and I would like to congratulate my chairman, hon. Bonny Khalwale, for this very important Bill on the prevention of pyramid schemes in this country. Many Kenyans have lost their hard earned incomes to these very dubious schemes. This is total deception. People have been deceived that they will be billionaires overnight when, in fact, they are stealing from them even the little that they have for which they have worked so hard to build over the years. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, many Kenyans have lost their assets ... view


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