Francis Chachu Ganya

Parties & Coalitions




P.O. Box 298-60500 Marsabit


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1441 to 1450 of 1798.

  • 16 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, now that I have brought this problem to the attention of the Assistant Minister and the NHIF, could he, in the spirit of equity, consider applying affirmative action for the people of North Horr and other Kenyans in future recruitments? view
  • 16 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, many rural Kenyans do not have access to mobile network coverage. The Prime Minister, in his statement, mentioned that 20 million Kenyans have access to mobile network coverage, which means that 19 million Kenyans have no access to this vital service. Most of these Kenyans live in rural areas. In neighbouring countries like Uganda and Tanzania, citizens in very tiny villages have access to mobile network coverage, because the Governments provide incentives to the mobile service providers. As a result, the providers are enabled to ensure that most of the citizens actually enjoy mobile services. What ... view
  • 16 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, under the new constitutional dispensation in our new Constitution, we will have a Senate as well as 47 County Assemblies. The Prime Minister has mentioned that a committee has been formed by the Ministry of Local Government to basically prepare the necessary strategies and structures for those functions. But my understanding is that those county assemblies are county legislatures and they will be more or less micro-parliaments in our counties as well as the Senate. So, who should have the mandate? Is it the Ministry of Local Government or our Parliament which is supposed to restructure ... view
  • 16 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I do not think the Right hon. Prime Minister has responded to my question. The thrust of my question was the wisdom behind the Ministry of Local Government setting up devolved structures, particularly county assemblies instead of using the National Assembly in terms of setting up these structures. I do not understand the wisdom behind that task force. view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance-: (a) what policy or policy guidelines informed the Ministry’s decision on the leasing of vehicles for Government Ministries; (b) how cost effective the vehicle leasing policy is and what the associated benefits are and costs of the policy, and, (c) whether he could explain why the Government is taking long to implement the vehicle leasing directive. view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, this is a major transport policy shift since Independence. Taxpayers’ money will be spent to lease these vehicles for Government Ministries and Department in this financial year. The grasp of my Question is about the cost effectiveness of this new policy vis-a-vis the old transport policy. Mr. Speaker, Sir, the response does not address the issue I asked for, which is the cost benefit analysis of this new transport in relation to the old policy. I do not feel I am informed well enough to form an opinion whether this new policy will be gainful to the ... view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Government is going to spend about Kshs5 billion to implement that policy in this financial year. Unless a cost-benefit analysis has been done and we are convinced that the new transport policy will give value for money to Kenyans, I beg the Assistant Minister to fully answer this Question by showing how the policy will benefit Kenyans. We are talking about Kshs5 billion that is going to be spent this year. So, I am not well informed that, that policy is in the good interest of this country. Could he give the necessary information so that ... view
  • 16 Dec 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, the fact of the matter is that this Ministry, when it comes to appointing of lead agencies, is hardly accountable and transparent. The District Steering Groups (DSGs) are given so much work to do technical evaluation of these lead agencies. However, their recommendations are hardly followed. That is the case for Marsabit District where I come from. Is this Ministry strategically biased against local grassroots based Kenyan Non-Governmental Organizations at the expense of international organizations such as the Red Cross and many others? view
  • 15 Dec 2010 in National Assembly: asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance - (a) whether he could table a list of all persons employed by Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) in the past three years, indicating their respective constituencies and districts of origin; (b) what criteria is used by KRA during recruitment; and, (c) what measures he has put in place to ensure all Kenyans have equitable access to employment at KRA. view
  • 15 Dec 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I thank the Assistant Minister for the response. However, in the last three years, 641 Kenyans were hired by KRA. However, in the whole of upper Eastern Province, which has two counties and ten districts, only one person was hired from Moyale. The criteria mentioned here comprise of academic qualifications, professional skills, relevant competencies and work experience. I want to know which skills northern people lack such that they are not able to secure employment at KRA. I do know that our young people are attending some of the finest universities in the world, not just ... view


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