All parliamentary appearances
Entries 251 to 260 of 1798.
25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to support the President’s State of the Nation Address in Parliament. The speech was very comprehensive because it touched on many critical issues which are facing our nation. His commitment to unite Kenyans of diverse backgrounds and political divides among others was very evident because he kept on emphasising the need for us to have the BBI.
25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
The Head of State’s commitment to fight corruption was evident. He said that he will fight it using our Constitution and all the other laws that we have which govern our nation. It is the right thing to do because we are a nation which is governed by the rule of law. In the past, people were mentioned on the Floor of this House and many of them were finally freed by the court. It is good because this time round, he had a different strategy of fighting corruption. Those Kenyans are innocent until proven guilty by a court of ...
25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
I was encouraged and inspired by our President’s commitment to devolution, although there are teething problems. Some people are saying that we devolved corruption to the grassroots, but I am of a very different opinion. As a ranking Member of this House and somebody who has served in this House even before devolution and during this phase when there is devolution, I can tell you for sure that for the first time, we have hospitals running in our counties, sub-counties and constituencies. We should improve roads in our constituencies to be all weather roads, so that our products can get ...
25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
We even have bursary from our governors where our best students in colleges and high schools are supported and the poorest of the poor are getting a chance to go to school. To me this is very encouraging. Even the burden on the NG-CDF is not as it used to be because we share The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
with the governors and other institutions in our counties. We have a harmonised approach instead of duplicating efforts. In the long run, most of our students will receive fairly good education.
25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
In many of the frontier counties of the ASAL region, where I hail from, abattoirs are being constructed in places like Wajir, Mandera, Isiolo and Marsabit. Once they are completed, we will get fair value for our animals in terms of pricing. We will even be able to access markets not only in Kenya, but hopefully in other parts of the world especially in the Middle East such as Dubai and other countries within that region.
25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
I also appreciate the President’s support for universal healthcare. Health is the most important aspect of anybody’s life. However, I have two issues with the President's Address. The President did not mention anything about drought yet millions of Kenyans are suffering. We wanted to see serious intervention from the Government on the issue of drought. Pastoralists are losing their livelihoods in the form of cattle, goats and now camels have started dying. Water is a critical issue, but hardly anything is happening. I would have wished the President addressed that issue.
25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
Putting up a tannery in Kariakor is totally misplaced. It should be established where we have raw materials like in the ASAL counties where we have enough skins.
25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. The last issue that I want to wrap up on is the placement of the tannery. When the Kenya Meat Commission (KMC) was established in Nairobi, it became one of the most non-profitable and chaotic State corporation because it was misplaced. If it had been placed in ASAL counties where we have enough livestock, I am sure the KMC would not be a dead institution today. Equally, the same thing will happen to the tannery. It is misplaced. We need to re-think about it and establish it in one of the ASAL counties such ...
25 Apr 2019 in National Assembly:
I support the President's Address.