All parliamentary appearances
Entries 911 to 920 of 1798.
23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
Finally, you did mention that the National Land Commission (NLC) has been invited to really re-look at this issue of land, which has been the epicentre of the crisis in that county. Since they have been invited, what is the time-frame under which they are expected to address this problem?
3 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I want to add my voice to the debate on the Presidential Address. For sure he has fulfilled his constitutional obligation. I would like to talk specifically about economic empowerment. The Jubilee administration has always committed itself to the Uwezo Fund in order to empower youth and women all over the country. This so far has been a dream. A few things have been done. We have asked questions in this House and Uwezo Fund is yet to be rolled out. The Jubilee Government is one year down the road, yet our youth and ...
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this Bill. I really want to appreciate the good work of my colleague, hon. John Ng’ongo, for ensuring that the very poor people in this nation are protected through the good work of this House. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, we know that every government in this world must tax its citizens for it to deliver services to them. Every government which comes to power has a duty and obligation to realize its manifesto. This Bill is before the House with a good motive, in good spirit ...
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this Bill. I really want to appreciate the good work of my colleague, hon. John Ng’ongo, for ensuring that the very poor people in this nation are protected through the good work of this House. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, we know that every government in this world must tax its citizens for it to deliver services to them. Every government which comes to power has a duty and obligation to realize its manifesto. This Bill is before the House with a good motive, in good spirit ...
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, one element which this Bill is trying to exempt is provision of water to Kenyans. Water is life. There are some constituencies in this country where our women still walk for hours and hours just to get 20 litres of water for their families. By exempting water drilling services from VAT, we will enable our county governments with the mandate to provide water services to engage as many companies as they can and ensure more and more Kenyans have water. This is an obligation this country has even under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to ensure ...
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, in relation to that, the need to exempt rural electrification services from VAT will ensure more and more Kenyans have access to power. Some Kenyans walk for days and days just to get firewood to cook for their families. With easy access to power and electricity, they may have an option of using electricity to cook food for their families.
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, one element which this Bill is trying to exempt is provision of water to Kenyans. Water is life. There are some constituencies in this country where our women still walk for hours and hours just to get 20 litres of water for their families. By exempting water drilling services from VAT, we will enable our county governments with the mandate to provide water services to engage as many companies as they can and ensure more and more Kenyans have water. This is an obligation this country has even under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to ensure ...
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, in relation to that, the need to exempt rural electrification services from VAT will ensure more and more Kenyans have access to power. Some Kenyans walk for days and days just to get firewood to cook for their families. With easy access to power and electricity, they may have an option of using electricity to cook food for their families.
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I represent a constituency where up to today not a single house is connected to the national grid. An independent power station is yet to be established but I am glad to note at least in North Horr and Maikona the progress is The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
good and very soon my people in my constituency will see electricity for the first time, except for the few who are able to have solar panels on top of their roofs.