All parliamentary appearances
Entries 971 to 980 of 1798.
24 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
I think this is a good Bill and it is in the best interest of this nation. It will enable us to build democratic culture based on the principles of good governance and all other democratic tenets. For that purpose, I support the Bill. However, I really hope that the Committee will take our input or discourse into consideration as they work on the amendments so that what we get reflects the true spirit and letter of the Constitution. Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir.
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, hon. Speaker, Sir. I know you are a very considerate Speaker. I really want to appreciate that you gave us time to ventilate on this issue. Even though we are speaking about two Standing Orders, the fact of the matter here is very substantive. This is an issue of national interest because it is about our security. So, I do appreciate this.
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
To me, the issue under Standing Order No.86 is the process. Any investigative role of Parliament is a task or a process which has to be done to its logical conclusion. However, when the leadership of the House makes pronouncement about very critical issues before that process is completed then it is an issue for this House. To me this is the process. Until the process is completed, done to its logical conclusion or the investigations are done fully by Parliament, we should not make pronouncements which will have a major impact on this nation.
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
On whether Parliament has the capacity to investigate some fundamental and critical issues, this Constitution does not expect us to be experts. That is why we are not even required to have any formal education for us to be elected to this House. We are an Assembly of the Kenyan people reflecting the face of Kenyans be it a nuclear scientist, a lawyer like you, a scientist like me or any other person like a watchman. All these professionals can be elected to this House by their people. However, the same Constitution gives us powers to investigate, debate and resolve ...
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, Sir, that is my contribution. Thank you.
17 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. Is it in order for the Chairperson of the Committee to engage in discussion when the speaker on the Floor is making a very critical contribution to this Bill, that of inadequacy that we need to deal with in terms of enhancing the Bill to be a better one? Is he in order not to listen to the Member?
17 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. From the outset, I want to support this Matrimonial Property Bill of 2013. A strong nation is built by people and families with strong family values. Strong family values ensure that we have families and communities which eventually form what we call a nation.
17 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
First of all, this Bill enables us to operationalise Article 45(4) of our Constitution. I was lucky enough to be one of the 26 Members of Parliament who negotiated our Constitution. As we were negotiating the kind of governance structure, representation and the Bill of Rights we should have as a nation in the Constitution, there was one issue we negotiated in Naivasha – Article 45 of our Constitution on marriage.
17 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
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17 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, in the draft we had in Naivasha, it basically stated that whatever property the family owns, if there is a divorce they have to share it on half-half basis.