Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2151 to 2160 of 3143.

  • 15 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Jackson Kosgei. Could we please give the microphone to him? He is at the back. view
  • 15 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Pauling Lenguris, County Women Representative, Samburu. view
  • 15 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Titus Lotee, Kacheliba Constituency. view
  • 15 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Fatuma Jehow, County MP for Wajir. view
  • 15 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: What is out of order Hon. Member? Hon. Jehow, you may take your seat, you will come back later. Just take your seat. view
  • 15 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Very well, but Hon. Fatuma Jehow put her position very clearly. We should listen to her. You may proceed, Hon. Fatuma. view
  • 15 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Thank you. Dissenting voices are allowed. I want the Committee Chair to take notes because he has the right of reply. Next is Hon. Dorothy Ikiara. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 15 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: The Hon. Michael Muchira, Member for Ol Jorok. Hon. Muthoni, you have had your bite. Let us hear from Hon. Michael Muchira. view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Very well. Seconder? view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Is it the mood of the House that I put the Question? view


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