Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2161 to 2170 of 3143.

  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Please, read out the Motion as it is on the Order Paper. Give him the Order paper. view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Very well. Is it the mood of the House that I put the Question? view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Next Order. view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Very well. On this Motion, Hon. Jessica Mbalu was on the Floor and she had a balance of six minutes. view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: What is out of Order? view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Very well. Serjeant-at-Arms, ring the Quorum Bell for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, no Member should leave the House. view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Very well Hon. Members. We may proceed. We now have quorum. Hon. Members, order! We are on Order No. 11 on General Debate on Proposals to amend the Constitution and Standing Orders. The next person to contribute on this is Hon. Joseph Emathe, Member for Turkana Central. Is he in the House? Proceed, Hon. Joseph. Give him the microphone. view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Millie, on a point of order? view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Order, Hon. Millie. So, what is your point of order? view
  • 8 Mar 2023 in National Assembly: Very well, you have been heard now. Leader of the Majority Party view


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