Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2481 to 2490 of 3143.

  • 21 Sep 2021 in National Assembly: As the Committee looks at this, there are two levies. The first is the Petroleum Development Levy. This was supposed to have been a buffer that cushions Kenyans any time there are fluctuations in the prices of petroleum products in the world market. The second one is the Fuel Levy that the Leader of the Majority Party has talked about, and which we generally use to maintain our roads. The immediate levy that must be removed is the Petroleum Development Levy because, whereas it was supposed to cushion prices, it is not doing so. Why do we still have it ... view
  • 19 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. I will comment on the Petition that concerns the NYS, which our able Chairman commented on. view
  • 19 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: We need to have payment done of all pending bills, especially those that accrued with the NYS. In 2017 there was a serious mess within the NYS and there were both genuine and non- The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 19 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: genuine contractors. As the Chair said, we have had a series of meetings with the Director-General of NYS. They have paid most of the people they were supposed to pay. There was a multi-agency team that was put in place to sieve the pending bills to ascertain who should be paid and who should not be paid. As he indicated, before it goes to whatever Committee it has been committed to, it is very important that consultation with the Departmental Committee on Labour and Social Welfare is done so that they are given a report on the progress of what ... view
  • 19 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Secondly, on the Petition by Hon. Sara Korere on the land that was alienated in Samburu, I would wish to indicate that much of the theories that states on land ownership is the first occupant theory. The theory suffices that those who settled first in a place become the owners of the land. The Samburu are just victims of the colonial land ordinance that began in 1902 and proceeded all the way to 1918. They lost their land but they are lucky. Hon. Sara’s people are lucky because their land was taken to the public. There are those who lost ... view
  • 19 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: With those few comments, I support the two Petitions. view
  • 18 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Let me begin by indicating that the Chairlady of the Departmental Committee on Education is out. I actually talked to her this morning and she indicated that I step in for her while everything will be going on. Having said that, it is a very dear Petition but we should also look at the other courses which are affected in a similar way. Furthermore, also call the Engineers Board of Kenya to see if they can give these students another test. I know it happens in other professions like accountancy and that can actually solve the ... view
  • 18 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. A similar Petition was in this House just last week or two weeks ago. I think I spoke on it and I expressed how I know Hola very well having travelled to those areas when doing the other things for teachers, and the suffering of the people courtesy of the fact that the irrigation scheme has taken so much land. I think last time, there was also a connotative conflict with the wildlife. What I really wanted to mention was on the first Petition. We did some calculation from the employers’ point of view and ... view
  • 18 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker and thank you for this chance. view
  • 18 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker, I rise to ask Question No.318 of 2021 to the Cabinet Secretary for the Interior and Coordination of National Government: (i) Could the Cabinet Secretary provide the status of investigations into the recent shooting of the following three students by police officers: Alfred Odaba Kutwa, a Class Seven student at Esalwa Primary School, Eric Munala Julius, a Form Four student at St. Peters Itumbu Secondary School, and Geoffrey Obwanga, a Class Seven pupil at Itumbu Primary School, all in Emuhaya Constituency? (ii) Could the Cabinet Secretary explain the steps the Government is taking to deal ... view


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