Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2551 to 2560 of 3143.

  • 8 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: The positives of this Report are glaring, as moved very well by the Chairman, whom I want to congratulate for being very clear. This Report will go a long way to make the revenue that has been collected to be released which is good for this country. Furthermore, it will also ensure that more revenue is released to the counties. Remember that we are speaking during the time that counties are in dire need of resources. In the temporary absence of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), which we wanted to enable the process to happen, this will also go a ... view
  • 8 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: Let me highlight something quickly. The Seconder of this Motion, senior Hon. Eseli, indicated that the interest of the Report of the PAC is waning. I took this very seriously. This is the kind of Report that gives stock of what the Government does and whether it spends the revenues that are collected from the taxpayers properly or not. What Hon. Eseli spoke about is very important. Institutions must be strengthened to oversee the Government strongly. That will bring confidence in the public, institutions and even in the National Assembly when speaking on such reports. Reports of the PAC of ... view
  • 8 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: Another thing that kills this clamour is when we reduce ourselves to speaking or taking stock that is very sure that nothing will be done, after all. The Executive will go ahead and still do The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 8 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: the same things which will be brought to us. We will still pass them as they are. We cannot question them with the authority they deserve. I remember the days when I was not in the House when such reports were tabled and the entire House would be full. Emotions were high. The heat was generated. I loved it. Those are the moments I miss. Having said that, let me indicate that the Mover flagged out irregularities and illegalities in procurement and therefore made it clear that procurement is the main source of the troubles we have in terms of ... view
  • 8 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: There is another area I want to emphasise on, and Hon. Duale seems to have seen. Recently, I was in the Departmental Committee on Education and Research. Believe me, the construction works of Mitihani House were started way back in 1986. It has been constructed all along until recently we gave them more money. Government officers have perfected the art of working with the courts and contractors together with officials within the same Government Ministries to enhance more budgetary allocations to an institution like Mitihani House. For more than 30 years, the Government has been constructing a building that is ... view
  • 8 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: Finally, let me speak on what has been called “pending bills” that have been created by the Government itself. The Government, through Supplementary Budgets, allocates money to tease certain areas with them, after which planning is done and tenders are awarded to people. However, after a little while, through Supplementary Budget, the money is removed and re-allocated elsewhere. The money is, again, used to tease another area. Procurement is done. Business people tender and before long another Budget is done. So, the same money is moved just to tease people in various areas. Procurement is done and businessmen put their ... view
  • 8 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: With those remarks, I support the Motion and wish that we could do better. view
  • 13 May 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you Hon. Deputy Speaker and briefly let me thank Hon. William Chepkut for this Petition and even having intimated that there will be a meeting in Glasgow in the month of November and which Kenya should attend via the committee and other stakeholders. I want to support this Petition and say that climate change is a real issue now. There is suggestion from the scientists that even the COVID-19 which is ravaging the world is courtesy of issues related to climate change, although that is yet to be proven. Therefore, this petition is timely. I want to briefly say ... view
  • 13 May 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you Hon. Deputy Speaker for calling Hon. Kositany to order. I think the increase of forest cover especially in places which have been left out like in my own constituency is a good idea. We have Nganyi Shrines and Nganyi Forest which are now being interfered with. These are some of the areas that need to be protected together with the Ebusiekwe Forest. Finally, this aspect of using schools as centers to plant trees is very good. Let it be given emphasis. Let primary schools, secondary schools and all institutions of learning be given trees to plant. This will ... view
  • 6 May 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I Mwalimu Omboko Milemba, on behalf of the people of Emuhaya, I vote yes. view


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