Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2661 to 2670 of 3143.

  • 2 Jun 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker for this opportunity. There was a Motion before this House specifically on the issue of Nyumba Kumi people and village elders. From the answer that has been given, the truth is that some of the points stated are not correct. These village elders were not given any facilities. We come from places where they live. They do not have sanitizers and PPEs. However, for the sake of the House, they are part and parcel of frontline officers when it comes to stopping gatherings like funerals in the villages and any other happening of that nature. So, ... view
  • 29 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: It is number 304. view
  • 29 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: Very well. Thank you, Hon. Chairman for recognising me and giving me this opportunity. One, let me thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee and the House for this contribution and actually ring-fencing the money for a particular cause. That is so that it is very accountable. This is very good because, for quite some time, people have been asking what our contribution is. Our contribution is now great and it can be seen. I wanted to say that the split is good. I also thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee for having done that through their Chair. But then, we ... view
  • 29 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: I am finishing so that they can also benefit from this. view
  • 22 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you Hon. Deputy Speaker, for this opportunity. First of all, on the issue of masks, which has been spoken on by several Members, it is important that we show a good example without too much arguments. One time, there was an old American President. He thought that he should show Americans how young he was and he went for his inaugural address with a shirt and he passed on. You can research that. So on this issue, let us just be respectful. view
  • 22 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: Two, on the question that was answered by the Chairperson on masks, telling Kenyans to buy particular quality masks and not to buy the ones on the streets, out there, people are creating and executing laws without the proper approval of Parliament or any other institution that should do so. Police are arresting people for not having masks. Therefore, we cannot be talking about a particular type of mask when people are being arrested, yet the best they can do is to get rugs to cover their mouths and noses for them to survive. view
  • 22 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: Let us open up the making of masks to everybody so that we can all be safe. view
  • 22 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 22 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I will be very brief. Given the weight of the matter and how Members have talked about it, especially the Leader of the Majority Party and the Leader of the Minority Party, it is very important that you give the Committee Members a chance to explain themselves to the House because the Committee does not work in vain. You have not given an opportunity to any Committee Member to defend the Committee on what they did. view
  • 22 Apr 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for listening. view


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