Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2751 to 2760 of 3143.

  • 3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, thank you. I will re-do it. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosts approximately 11 million foreigners as employees in various job categories. Out of the figure mentioned above, Kenya has approximately 55,000 migrant workers in the Kingdom, which translates to a minimal percentage as compared to what other countries have exported to the Kingdom. However, to accommodate the 11 million workers, the Kingdom has undertaken various measures ranging from legal to social frameworks which are meant to guarantee the welfare of the migrant workers in the Kingdom. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, some of the countries that ... view
  • 3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I thank you for guiding the ranking Member who has forgotten the rules of the House in front of a new Member like Hon. Omboko Milemba, who is taking the centre stage in an orderly way. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for that direction. Lastly, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection should initiate and strengthen pre- departure training to prepare Kenyans travelling to Saudi Arabia for the challenges expected there as a way of assisting them to fit in well in the society of that particular country. As I wind up, we ... view
  • 3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: the Kenyan and Saudi Arabian agencies through a clear system called Musaned, so that we know where our workers are and the conditions they are going through. Without much ado, I call upon Sankok to second. view
  • 3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 3 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: I want to inform my senior, Hon. Washiali, if he will accept. I am not a ranking Member, but accept that I inform you. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 2 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. At the outset, let me support that petition by the Member and tell Parliament that there are two things that are happening continuously and which will lord it over us in future. It is not only Turkana County that lacks teachers and the mode of employment being disturbing. There are two things. One, despite the fact that education is supposed to be free and compulsory, the government has not provided enough schools, especially in the City of Nairobi. So, education is mostly being handled by private school owners. Two, because I know I have to ... view
  • 2 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 2 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. We are discussing corruption which is a very delicate and sensitive issue to Kenyans. However, when you look at Hon. Sankok, he is playing with it, cracking jokes and simulations The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 2 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: about it as he talks about Tanga Tanga Movement. Is it in order to show that is the perspective that Parliament should have and the image to the country when we are dealing with corruption? view


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