Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2891 to 2900 of 3143.

  • 29 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: I also notice that a lot of the amendments are of housekeeping nature like replacing “Minister” with “Cabinet Secretary”. Other amendments are aligning the cooperative movement with county governments because it is clear that they are still using the local authority instead of the county assemblies. view
  • 29 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, there was the issue of the Auditor-General and the Controller of Budget which was well touched by the Mover of the Motion. So, it is a good Bill for the cooperatives and so I support it. view
  • 29 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: I also noticed typos in the word ‘cooperatives’ but the Clerk’s Office will deal with that because there is a way in which it is written. The typos can be clearly seen. Moving forward, especially because the Chair is here, I notice that in this clause we are looking for ways to ensure that cooperatives are managed well, which I fully support, in terms of seizing licences of cooperatives that are being mismanaged. If a SACCO is being mismanaged and we withdraw its licence, I do not think there is need to close down the cooperative. This is because many ... view
  • 28 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. Today was a very special day for the two-thirds gender rule. We were supporting it fully. That is why I am seated on this side. view
  • 28 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: I wanted to draw attention to the fact that according to Standing Order No.95, we do not have the quorum. That is why we are not able to tackle business as it should be tackled. Based on that particular position, we should adjourn so that this business can be discussed seriously when we have the requisite quorum in the House. view
  • 28 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 28 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: I am quoting Standing Order No.95. There is no quorum in the House. view
  • 15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. It is true that we submit to the House as a Committee. I am a Member of the Departmental Committee on Education and Research. We worked and now that we are in the House, it is the business of the House. Finally, it will be put to vote. view
  • 15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: The position we took as a Committee was arrived at after great consultations. The Committee itself has people from the education sector. We thought we should have time for people in that area to consult widely so that finally when we get the document, it will be comprehensive for the education sector and not piecemeal. That is why I stand with the Chair and try to convince Members that we adopt the amendment as it is. We are doing a good work there, and we shall continue do so on behalf of the House. view
  • 15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you. view


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