Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 3011 to 3020 of 3143.

  • 16 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I just have a few comments to make about that Report. I would like to thank the delegation, under the leadership of Hon. Mwashetani, that went to the USA and came up with the Report. When we go for such tours, we come back and table reports. Can we develop this Report into something that will assist the country instead of just going to the USA, coming back and tabling a report and then taking a bit more time to discuss it? How does it benefit us? It must be turned into some form of law, ... view
  • 16 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: Committee can apply the First Occupancy Theory and what they learned in America so that we do not have squatters when we know very well that they should own the particular pieces of land. We should not have the problem of squatters in Kenya if we took those things a bit more seriously. Secondly, as we discuss the land issue and the land Report in this House, most Kenyans do not have title deeds. Even in Emuhaya Constituency, where I come from, and in many other constituencies, title deeds remain a challenge for Kenyans. How I wish we could also ... view
  • 9 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: (Emuhaya, ANC) asked the Cabinet Secretary for Education whether she could explain the plans her Ministry has put in place, if any, to fully register, accredit, fund, staff and operationalise Bunyore Teachers Training College in Emuhaya Constituency. view
  • 9 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 4 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I want to thank the Petitioner who I happen to know because he comes from my constituency. I am aware about the Citizen Newspaper and part of its links comes from my constituency. The Petitioner is correct and should be accorded the necessary support to execute his claim. Also, other Members of Parliament have a right to be supported to execute their claims. The Citizen Newspaper is just gutter press like many other gutter newspapers in this country running concurrently with other newspapers. Sometimes, the Citizen Newspaper says things that come to happen. So, this ... view
  • 20 Sep 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, from the outset, I oppose these amendments. We should see exactly where we are beginning from to come to the amendments that are before the House. The amendments before the House are because we are looking for funds from the budget to take care of certain pilferages that have been occurring within the Government. view
  • 20 Sep 2018 in National Assembly: Therefore, there are many other areas which should have been touched. When I was going through this particular document, I did not see a heavy hand being put on the National Youth Service (NYS) which has been known to wrongly spend our money. Instead, I saw the budget for education infrastructure being affected and the only simple reason is that that money is not being given out in an equitable way. That is something that can be dealt with within the management. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to hit the budgets that affect Kenyans. When it comes to education, Kenyans ... view
  • 20 Sep 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I saw the budget of the TSC being affected. This country is lacking in so far as teachers’ employment is concerned. So, why would we go a step further to hit on areas that are required? view
  • 20 Sep 2018 in National Assembly: I feel that the proposals before us are not good for Kenyans and moving forward, I would like to tell the House that I am not happy when the leadership within the House directs the Motion on budget allocations and proposals to mean that if the House and the Members’ interests have been taken care of, then we can leave the rest of Kenyans to suffer with taxes. That impression was very wrong. It will look like immediately we got what we thought was correct in terms of the NG-CDF and other emoluments, we left the ordinary Kenyan to suffer. ... view
  • 20 Sep 2018 in National Assembly: Therefore, I beg to oppose in totality these proposals. view


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