25 Feb 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, let me conclude. You cannot make decisions based on notes! Usually Committees make rational decisions that are objective based on myths. Some of the critical decisions that were made were based on notes that were hand written. This is there in the Report. Therefore, as a House, we really need to fight for integrity and the image of this Parliament. If things are going to continue like this, the whole country will view us differently. I beg to differ and oppose this Report even If I remain alone.
30 Oct 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this very important Bill. Water is essential for life and without it there is no life. Access to adequate, safe and affordable water is, indeed, a basic human right because water is a key driver of economic and social development. Hon. Deputy Speaker, we know that water is one resource that is there in plenty because three quarters of the earth surface is occupied with water but incidentally water again is, indeed, very scarce. This is because out of those three quarters of the earth’s surface that ...
30 Oct 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, we recently visited Israel as a Departmental Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperatives and we could see what the water resource can do to revolutionise an economy like Israel’s where certain areas receive only up to one millimetre of water density. Indeed, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, solution to water problems require proper water resource management. It requires proper reforms in water governance for us to be able to utilise this rare commodity to be able to really feed our people. Millions in this country and elsewhere live with insufficient fresh water. This is often caused by ...
30 Oct 2014 in National Assembly:
The people of Uriri are not participating in the management of that resource. They are watching as that water is being pumped to be able to be used in the headquarters of the county. Therefore, what we need to see is participation of the stakeholders in the management of water resources, particularly the communities from where the water is sourced. This is because once that water is pumped there is an effect on the environment and proper environmental impact assessment needs to be done so that people are enlightened and sensitised on the effects of such a project. We need ...
15 Oct 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to add my voice to debate on this very important Motion. Boda boda is a kind of informal mode of transport. B oda boda transport has evolved over the years. It started off with the manual bicycle and to date, it is motorized. It plays a very important role because it fills a gap in the transport sector. This sub-sector has grown exponentially over time, because of their competitive advantage. One competitive advantage that the boda boda informal sector has over the The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report ...
15 Oct 2014 in National Assembly:
mainstream transport sector is its flexibility. You can use that transport any time during the day or night. It is flexible in terms of place. It can access anywhere even areas which have hitherto been considered inaccessible. It is flexible in terms of price because you can negotiate how much to pay. Therefore, it serves the poor well. Indeed, it is also flexible in terms of volume. These days, boda bodas are even used for transporting livestock like cows, although that is beyond what it is designed to do. The rise of bodaboda taxis is a bottom up response to ...
15 Oct 2014 in National Assembly:
standard. A number of them are sub-standard and really counterfeit. So, if that was to be stopped by proper surveillance so that those things do not come in, there is a possibility that this country would be a major supplier in this region, but increasingly continue to be a consumer society. That includes the food products that you see in the supermarkets. A number of those things can be grown locally, but most of them are imported. Indeed, even today, I am told that with regard to fish which we farm and produce locally, the Chinese are already importing the ...
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. It is unfortunate that we are witnessing this happening in this House. That is because there are several members of the Departmental Committee on Labour and Social Welfare Committee who are seated today here and I want to confirm to you that no consultations have been made with the members of the Departmental Committee on Labour and Social Welfare.
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) is extremely sensitive and if this is going to continue, then I think it is only prudent that the Chairman resigns.
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, this issue has threats that we wanted to interrogate today and if we do not do so, the threats will turn into disasters and it is my position that we request our dear Chair to step aside before we take any action. Thank you.