23 Feb 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
23 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Giffen good. A Giffen good is a low income, non-luxury good which has no substitute. A good example is salt. If there is no salt, there is nothing you can use in place of salt. As the demand increases, the price increases. Meaning, its demand curve is the opposite of a standard concept. When the price of commodities such as salt, bread and wheat go up, the opposite of that is Veblen goods. Veblen is luxury; jewelry, celebrity and all those things. On this, when the price of Giffen goods go up--- When is the last time the price of ...
22 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, allow me to join fellow colleagues in eulogizing and mourning the death of our fallen colleague.
22 Feb 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
22 Feb 2022 in Senate:
First of all, Sen. (Dr.) Machage was a good friend despite our age difference. He was part of a group of Senators to whom I am forever grateful. They took time to speak to young leaders when I was in the National Assembly. I had lunch every last Tuesday, once a month, with Sen. G. G. Kariuki at Serena Hotel. Sen. Yusuf Haji also mentored me and Sen. (Dr.) Machage was the third. He used to joke that his Identity Card (ID) read a different age. In fact, if you look at what has come out as a release, it ...
22 Feb 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
22 Feb 2022 in Senate:
women desk in ODM. She got nominated and was now going for the MCA seat. I knew that her future was bright because she was one of those leaders who would reason despite political intrigues. A cosmopolitan County like Nairobi that is not of political homogeneity needs leaders who are able to cut across the political divide and can speak to each other. Pole to the people Kabiru Ward, Dagoreti North and generally, the people of Nairobi, for this great loss of Hon. Mellab Atemah Lumalah. I thank you.
22 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, it was a mistake.
22 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, initially when I heard this Statement being read out, I was waiting to hear the resolution of the Committee on Finance and Budget. Ideally, this is a Statement that would have been caused by a Member asking what is happening and the Committee to give us answers. It is true and really shocking that Kshs72 billion due to county governments has not been disbursed. We take a long process here to agree on the equitable share for counties, we haggle about the formula, counties do their budgets, but not paying the money creates a huge problem. My ...