Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Parties & Coalitions





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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2291 to 2300 of 5036.

  • 14 Apr 2020 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move the following Motion in an amended form- THAT, the Senate notes the first and second progress reports of the view
  • 14 Apr 2020 in Senate: Committee on COVID-19 situation in Kenya laid on the Table of the Senate on Tuesday, 14th April 14, 2020. I will ask the Vice-Chairperson, Sen. Kasanga, to second the Motion once I am done. Mr. Speaker, Sir, at its sitting held on Tuesday, 31st March 2020, the Senate, by resolution, established an Ad hoc Committee on the COVID-19 situation. The Committee is mandated to oversight actions and measures taken by the national and county governments in addressing the spread and effects of COVID-19 in Kenya. The areas that the Committee is addressing were in the Motion passed, and I do ... view
  • 14 Apr 2020 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, that is part of the progress! It is very progressive, is it not? Further to that, Members of this House gave many good comments when that Motion was moved. We looked at the HANSARD. We thank Members for their contributions. We saw that, indeed, Coronavirus is affecting very many aspects of society and affecting us, as a country. What the Committee went on to do is that we clustered emerging issues into five thematic areas. The first area was on the health issues. We isolated the health issues, which include community health testing, quarantine, isolation centers, ICU ... view
  • 14 Apr 2020 in Senate: resources for health, drugs and supplies, role and engagement of county governments and mental health. The second thematic area is economic and financial issues, which covers the macro-economic effects of the Coronavirus impact on businesses, trade facilitation and measures to cushion borrowers and financial institutions. The third issue is social public order and human rights, including protection for vulnerable persons and groups, and protection of women and girls at risk of domestic abuse. This is very important to us. We have witnessed cases of domestic violence going up. Others include measures to enable learners to continue with their studies, enforcement ... view
  • 14 Apr 2020 in Senate: of Jurists (ICJ), the International Budget Partnership (IBP), the Institute for Social Accountability (TISA) and health NGOs that are spread across the country. Also, among these submissions are Kenyans who had travelled to India for medical treatment and have been stuck there due to restrictions. Some took their families; they have been stuck there and cannot afford to come back. There are also Kenyan students in universities abroad who were scheduled to graduate in summer, but their studies have since been disrupted. Additionally, are also Kenyans who had travelled to attend to family matters. I would like to report that ... view
  • 14 Apr 2020 in Senate: 153 of the Constitution says that it is the Cabinet Secretary (CS) who is accountable to Parliament, especially during this pandemic. view
  • 14 Apr 2020 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I have spoken to the CS. We have told him that we will reschedule where he will come in person, virtually, so that we can rate responses on the issues raised. We note that today he has announced that we have 126 cases of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Mr. Speaker, Sir, we just want to note and stress that a pandemic being declared, is not a suspension of the Constitution. This is the time for Parliament to continue playing its oversight role. Parliament remains the one institution mandated to oversight, appropriate, legislate and play its role. No entity ... view
  • 14 Apr 2020 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, in conclusion, we just want to assure the public, I do not know why we let it escape. The person who wrote that story in the Standard Newspaper has been attending our briefings. When they say Parliament has been doing nothing, it is unfair. It is not right to cast Members of Parliament (MPS) of both Houses in bad light during such a pandemic. This is time for all of us to come together as Kenyans, for us to play our role. We assure them that the Senate of the Republic of Kenya - I would like ... view
  • 31 Mar 2020 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Cognizant of the fact that the Senate Majority Leader does have some special provisions in terms of time, this sitting is supposed to end in one hour’s time, at 4.30 p.m. I therefore ask that you give direction in terms of how many minutes each Member will take. We are 30 Members and we have view
  • 31 Mar 2020 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view


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