31 Mar 2020 in Senate:
only one hour to debate. That means that every Member will only have two minutes to make contributions which is not enough. Alternatively, the Senate Majority and Minority Leaders can agree on a set number of Members to contribute. Otherwise, we will not make any meaningful contributions within one hour. One cannot say anything meaningful in two or three minutes.
31 Mar 2020 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Three minutes---
31 Mar 2020 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I hope that the timer is not running since I have not yet started.
31 Mar 2020 in Senate:
Sen. Kihika is asking me to start even though that is not her work. Mr. Speaker, Sir, as Sen. James Orengo said, this is the time for leadership. When we were adjourning last week, I opposed it because in other countries that have been hit hard by this pandemic, including the United States of America (USA) and United Kingdom (UK), we see Congress and the House of Commons meeting. At a time of crisis, leadership is needed. To date, those parliaments and others have passed serious interventions. For example, the Australian Parliament passed a 46.3 billion Dollars stimulus package. In ...
31 Mar 2020 in Senate:
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31 Mar 2020 in Senate:
as both sides have something to do with it, I am pleading with Nairobians to support the Government because the curfew is a reality. That boy was shot by a stray bullet that was fired by the police officers, who were dispersing a crowd that was pelting them with stones. No one is on the right and that life will never be revived. All of us have some responsibility to know that the curfew is not a joke. We must adhere to it, but the police must also serve the people. Tomorrow, we will be dealing with the family. The ...
31 Mar 2020 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, the ban on mitumba right now is making very many traders suffer. As I speak, there are millions of goods that have been confiscated at the Inland Container Depot (ICD). I have been talking to the management of ICD. Tax had been paid for the goods in March. Therefore, they are serving no one’s interest by being held there. There is a regulation, and that is why Sen. Ledama’s intervention might have been overtaken. This is because the Public Finance Management (PFM) Regulations have been published. In those Regulations, Section 4 (2) talks about the actions that ...
31 Mar 2020 in Senate:
Long and short---, because now I am rushing yet there are so many things that I wanted to say, including sanitizers and the issue of community health workers, community health volunteers, in their thousands, who can help. I hope that the Committee will go into detail of these and report back to the House. We can work together with the Committee of the National Assembly. Let us remember that not every Kenyan has the luxury to work at home. Nairobi will not get into pandemic after lockdown; it is already in pandemic and people are suffering.
17 Mar 2020 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I rise to second the further amendment to the amendment to this Motion because without it, many of us would not have agreed with the Motion as worded. Indeed, it is a time of need in our country, and I want to thank the President and the Executive for the actions that they have been taking. We are seeing good leadership through the Cabinet Secretary, hon. Mutahi Kagwe and his team. They said that we need to maintain only essential services. In considering this amendment and even the Motion later, I ask myself the following ...
17 Mar 2020 in Senate:
The same is happening in South Africa. In fact, they have 62 cases. However, they have decided to meet once a week in terms of the parliament. The National Congress of Parliaments will be meeting on Wednesdays and they will also be meeting once a week for urgent business. This is the time to appropriate. This the time for us to look at Article 109 of the Constitution which talks about support to county governments. Support to county governments at a time of a health crisis is extremely important. How will we do that if the Senate is not sitting?