Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Parties & Coalitions





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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2431 to 2440 of 5036.

  • 27 Nov 2019 in Senate: We should pronounce ourselves on this Motion and I want to challenge Sen. (Dr.) Musuruve to go forth with it. My Committee, where she is a Member, can write to all the sports Chief Executive Committee Members (CECs) and explain to them how to form these associations. We can give them a framework of how to affiliate themselves with the national Paralympic talent which can then become a pool of talent for the national Paralympic team which will help to promote Para Sports. Today, we have Kshs8.1 billion at the Sports Arts and Development Fund. I challenge Sen. (Dr.) Musuruve ... view
  • 27 Nov 2019 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 27 Nov 2019 in Senate: elitist having in mind the people who engage in that sport. I do not play golf because I cannot afford spending two hours on a course every morning. I rarely do that. view
  • 27 Nov 2019 in Senate: We should do a value for money analysis and should get to know the impact of that money. The Kshs400 million will be enough for Para Sports across the country. It will actually go a long way in helping those young people get out of the villages, houses and estates and it will help them to start believing in themselves instead of being pushed around in wheelchairs. People are actually misusing them. There is a cartel that takes people who live with disabilities and puts them on wheelchairs then they use them to beg money that they later collect in ... view
  • 27 Nov 2019 in Senate: We should put the Ministry to task. We were talking about inclusivity today and how we can think of every aspect of the society. I suggest that this Motion be amended before the putting of the question to state that; ‘a minimum of five per cent of the fund be committed directly to Para Sports’. That will be something practical other than us urging the Government to put their money in Para Sports. There is huge potential and great opportunity. view
  • 27 Nov 2019 in Senate: Hon. Dennitah Ghati changed my perception of people living with disability. One can be walking today just for them to be disabled tomorrow. Jesus gives a story in the bible of a child who was born with disability and His disciples asked for the person behind the sin that led to the child being born blind. They wanted to know if the parents were the ones who sinned and Jesus told them that the child was born blind for the glory of the Lord. He told them that God knows the reason as to why that child was born like ... view
  • 27 Nov 2019 in Senate: Your nephew or child might be the victim tomorrow, hence, we should create a society that thinks of everyone and we should put ourselves in their shoes. We should empathise with them other than looking at it as a favour that we are doing to them. It is a great service to our country. We cannot have cohesion without equalisation of opportunities. It is equalisation of opportunities that creates cohesion that will make one to know that no matter what kind of child he gives birth to or where his child is born, he or she has an equal shot ... view
  • 27 Nov 2019 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 21 Nov 2019 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the Senate today, Thursday 21st November, 2019. The report of the Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare on its consideration of the Care and Protection of Child Parents Bill (Senate Bills No. 11 of 2019). view
  • 21 Nov 2019 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view


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