20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Sen. (Dr.) Musuruve for a very passionate contribution. Indeed, this is one matter that needs a lot of public sensitization. When it came to our Committee for public participation, we realised that we were very ill informed. People may confuse this for other issues like those of the transgender. However, it is a very different matter. So, it needs stronger public participation and raising awareness to the people. Hon. Senators, I see no further interest in this Bill.
20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Sen. (Dr.) Milgo. The Mover is not here to reply to the Bill. I will, therefore, defer the reply by the Mover and putting of the question to Wednesday next week.
20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Let us move on to the next Order.
20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
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20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Hon. Senators, this Bill is jointly sponsored by Sen. (Dr.) Musuruve and Sen. (Prof.) Kamar. Who will move the Bill first? Would you like to move it together? You can share the time or one of you can move, while the other seconds.
20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Sen. (Dr.) Musuruve, you have said something repeatedly. Please, clarify. When you say that Kiswahili has been removed from the syllabus, what do you mean? Is Kiswahili no longer being taught? Please, clarify that point.