20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
There are many brackets. Earlier on, a Senator said that he was in Form Two in 1952. So, it goes on and on. Let us proceed.
20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Thank you very much, Sen. (Dr.) Musuruve. That is what we call true representation. You are representing the people you were nominated to represent well. Kindly proceed, Sen. (Prof.) Kamar.
20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Sen. (Prof.) Kamar for that very good and emphatic seconding and for the lovely story of the secretary who worked in your office. I am sure through public participation, there are a lot of amendments that you will bring on this Bill, including making it mandatory for all public communication to be accompanied by sign language interpretation.
20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
On a point of order, Madam Temporary Speaker.
20 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I beg your indulgence. Pursuant to Standing Order No.105 (1), I beg to move that debate on this Bill be now adjourned. Many more Members would like to contribute, so if it is adjourned to a later date, we will have more meaningful and deeper contributions by Members.
19 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, for this opportunity. I am glad that I came when you are still on this Order. Otherwise, the students from Strathmore would think that their Senator is a truant, and does not come to the House. I assure them that their Senator is always in the House and he is doing his best to represent them in Nairobi City County and in the House. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, many years ago, I was in a similar debating society. I am glad---
19 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, not only is Strathmore University in the heart of Nairobi, but in Nairobi West--- There are 47 counties, but one ‘super’ Senator. Therefore, even the students from Kakamega are mine. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, the point I was making is that they must see what they do, not as a destination, but as the beginning of a journey. This country is ripe to be reset in many aspects. It is this generation of young people like them – and some of us, who are in the House; and even some who might be older, but have ...
19 Nov 2019 in Senate:
but that is my home county in addition to Kakamega. I am glad that they are here. These are Members that I know very well. They have excelled in many respects. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I want to echo what the Members here have said. That in many counties, we are seeing almost an unholy alliance that is being formed between governors and MCAs. Consequently, oversight is not being done. I am confident that these Members will not let that happen, and that they will take care of our County of Trans Nzoia. Karibuni Nairobi City County. I am sure ...
19 Nov 2019 in Senate:
On a point of information, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.
19 Nov 2019 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.