3 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I am impressed that this House has decided to take the higher ground by not responding in the same tone to the juvenile rants that we earlier had. It would be infra dig for this House to sound like the other House on this matter. This House has distinguished itself as a House of sobriety and reason. That is why this country has a lot of confidence and faith in the quality of our discussions. The quality of debate in the other House is low because they only speak for two or three minutes. ...
3 Jul 2019 in Senate:
thinking that the counties are being given revenue by the national Government is false. Division of Revenue Bill divides revenue between both levels of Government. It is not the Government giving money to the counties. The money going to counties is given to them by right and that is provided for by the Constitution. You cannot say that you are giving the counties Kshs10 billion extra because there is corruption in the counties yet corruption is also there in the national Government. That is cutting off your nose to spite your face. You cannot tell us that you cannot increase ...
3 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, allow me to finish that point. I know that my time is up.
3 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, when we talk about fiscal consolidation, we have to know that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. The Kshs327 billion that we are proposing is the smallest level of growth. From the Kshs314 billion, we have only added core inflation of four per cent to the counties. We cannot give them what they got last year yet the national budget has gone up by 14 per cent. We are talking of less than 10 per cent. We will have failed as a Senate if we cannot stand for this.
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. As you sort out that technological challenge, when we came to the House, I noticed that these iPads have been locked onto one interface, yet we use them to store resources, read e-mails and also go online and research. Through your office, I kindly ask that you make sure it goes back to where it was. Sometimes we send e-mails, research papers and documents that we use for reference in the House, but now it is only locked to one interface. It is like a notice board. Can they just keep ...
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, certainly, Sen. Wetangula is my distinguished uncle. As we say at home, he is khotsa. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, you have heard Members decry the sad state of environmental management in this country. We have countries like Sweden that import waste from other neighbouring countries because they know the value. Everyone who has spoken touched on Nairobi and I have got statements about waste management in Nairobi. As Members of the Committee will be dealing with this, they should also investigate the budget lines that are put to waste management and compare them to the state. Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. has slightly mentioned about a cartel and that is true because it is business. In ...
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, before the Statement, I was on a point of order. I wanted to I request you---
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
No, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I wanted to request you to really emphasize the point you have just made; not only on committees that visit counties informing their Senators, but even committees that are dealing with a matter that a Senator has raised, to do it in good time. For instance, I raised an issue on Mihang’o in Embakasi East and I have just been told today that I should appear tomorrow yet I am chairing two committees tomorrow. Sometimes it does not help us to deal with those issues. I implore upon fellow chairpersons that they give the area ...