2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I join you in welcoming the students from St. Charles Lwanga High School to the Senate. I know this school and it is doing quite well. I am happy that they have come here to not just see their Senator who is incidentally on the Floor, but also what other Senators are doing; representing them and playing a part as one of the pillars of our democracy as an institution.
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
I encourage them to work hard and keep putting their best efforts in their studies. I hope we can interact with them at a later date.
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
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2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to contribute to this Bill and, again, register my disappointment at being highly inconvenienced. My talking notes were in this iPad, but I cannot access them. I want to congratulate Sen. Seneta for this amendment that seeks to, in accordance to devolution, make sure that county governments are better involved in the running of the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA). We know very well that in the Fourth Schedule of our Constitution, one of the most important functions that have actually been devolved is health. In fact, many people keep saying that maybe ...
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
been able to access quality healthcare. When you go to hospital, there are no drugs and we have a lot of industrial action in our counties. We have seen challenges in Laikipia, Kirinyaga and Nairobi City counties on the issues of equipment and medical supplies, but much of that has been because of the speed. We are trying to move from a highly centralized system, where health was being managed from the national Government, to what we have now at the county governments, which includes the human resource, doctors and nurses. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, on this particular amendment by ...
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, that is not a point of order, but a point of argument. It is wrong because I am talking about public health facilities that should have medicine that has been paid from the taxpayers. The medicine has been bought, but many doctors in cahoots with those who run pharmacies say that they are out of stock, yet the stocks are there, so that you can go and purchase it. It is actually an avenue of corruption in many cases, and I have seen this in my county. Many times, you will find that certain medicine, for ...
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, as I conclude, we must fix the referral system to make sure that the entire chain of our medical facilities is working. It cannot be that we only focus with the big hospitals yet the small ones do not have medicine, doctors and personnel. We must look at the primary healthcare providers. We have thousands of community health volunteers in this country. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, back then when I grew up in Ngara, there would be someone who would come every so often to find out the state of health. There were community health volunteers ...
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
(PIMS) is handled properly. Many Kenyans are suffering or their health is getting complicated because, for example, if they go to Machakos General Hospital, are treated and given certain drugs, they feel that it is not enough so they come to Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) in Nairobi and they tell the doctor a different story. So, there is no record of the drugs and treatment regimen the person has been on. You might find that many people are getting drugs that they are either allergic to or do not work well for them. We must have a digitized card and ...
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
work. Our counties are treating our doctors and nurses in a manner that leaves so much to be desired. These are important people. An issue has come to the Committee on Health and there has been a request because there are labour issues. Something is going on in Laikipia where the Senator feels that it is okay for patient to buy drugs in private establishments when they go to a public hospital. That is the point of order he rose on. What is going on in Kirinyaga County must be dealt with---
2 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the HANSARD will bear me out. When I made the point about people being sent to buy drugs in private establishments, the Senator for Laikipia stood on a point of order and asked if there is anything wrong with that. So, I have not said that he asked his people to do it. I have said that the Senator for Laikipia sees nothing wrong with people buying drugs yet we have paid our counties. Unless he contradicts himself or changes his position, the HANSARD will bear me out. That was the point of order that he ...