11 Jun 2019 in Senate:
We must also make sure that there is community-based care. It is not enough to say that somebody has stripped naked and walked on the road because ameruka akili . No! We must ask ourselves what the cause is. What is the pressure that we face in society? Is it something that can be prevented or do we just turn a blind eye? I am sure that this Bill will be passed in both Houses, but we hope counties will implement county-specific programmes to deal with stigma.
11 Jun 2019 in Senate:
If you look at the statistics that have been presented to us, for example, on 17th February, 2018, The Daily Nation newspaper reported that in 2016, there were 99,840 outpatient hospital visits regarding mental disorders and an 80 per cent increase over the previous year according to the abstracts that we have. Nairobi City County recorded the highest number followed by Murang’a County. I am sure Sen. Kang’ata - I am not saying he was one of them - knows about that. Nyeri, Kiambu and Mombasa are among the top five counties. If we are saying 99,840 people have gone ...
11 Jun 2019 in Senate:
11th May, 2018, where she talked about her experiences on mental health issues. She said that clinical depression is a more severe form of depression and it is not caused by loss such as death of a loved one, a medical condition or a traumatic experience. Every day we read in the newspapers that a police man has killed his family or somebody has shot dead his fiancé. One of our policewomen who was stationed here at Parliament Police Station was recently found dead. It is becoming an epidemic. As we discuss and pass this Bill, what structures are we ...
11 Jun 2019 in Senate:
If Sen. Olekina, Sen. Wetangula, Sen. M. Kajwang' or any Senator is having such trouble, they will not have a place to go and discuss it. These are some of the reasons---
11 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Yes, Madam Temporary Speaker, almost everyone. In fact, I was about to say if Sen. Mwaura is being thrashed in his house along Thika Road, I would be concerned.
11 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I said “if” and I said “I would be very concerned”. Fortunately for Sen. Kajwang’, I know his beautiful wife and I know that despite the fact that she looks like she can deal with him, I know she is a woman of substance.
11 Jun 2019 in Senate:
More importantly, because I mentioned everybody else like Sen. Wetangula and Sen. Olekina, there are many more men out there who do not have a platform to speak. We saw what has been happening in Nyeri County. I do not know why it is an epidemic in the central region of Kenya. It is because men have refused to have structures of support. Men are measured based on how much wealth they have and the size of their wallets. Our young people have access to social media and they want to post photos on Instagram depicting the lives they are ...
11 Jun 2019 in Senate:
As the men of this House, we need to do something for the boy child. The boy child is going through so much stress and a lot of depression in this country. That is why if you hear some of the songs that were banned; they are talking about actually going to attack these girls. Something must be done.
11 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I am glad that this Bill presents us an opportunity to start discussing what is happening in this country. This is what is happening to our moral and social fabric as a people because we are not allowing outlets of expression for people to talk and to know that it is okay not to be okay. I want to repeat that sentence; it is okay not to be okay. If anybody is listening across the country and is going through something, they should find someone to talk to; whether it is a friend, somebody in a religious ...
11 Jun 2019 in Senate:
I am also glad to note that on top of giving county governments the specific functions, the County Executive Committee (CEC) Members designated to deal with these issues in the counties have specified roles. It is good that there is the issue of right to mental health services and consent to treatment which will ensure that a person with mental illness, capable of making an informed decision shall be required to give written consent before any treatment. We also know that many people have been locked up in mental asylums when relatives collude and say that so and so is ...