Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Parties & Coalitions





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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 301 to 310 of 5036.

  • 16 Feb 2022 in Senate: The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Hon. Mutai Kagwe, is not a doctor. Is he not qualified to be the CS for Health? In fact, there is no academic requirement for CS. The CS for Infrastructure is a banker. It is an argument that does not hold ground, unless you say you need a qualification in a specific field. What this was trying to cure was a time where I think in previous governments the President then would try and bring very illiterate people to leadership positions. I will not mention them because they were loved by their communities, but extremely ... view
  • 16 Feb 2022 in Senate: The Constitution then before 2010 said that there must be an aptitude test. There used to be an English and Kiswahili test. If you can communicate and read and your aptitude show that you can interact with a matter, rationalise it, deliberate it in your mind and make a decision, then you qualify to present yourself again to the people to elect you. It is not that qualification that gets you elected. If it was so we would say that for you to be a Member of County Assembly (MCA) maybe have a diploma, Member of Parliament (MP) have a ... view
  • 16 Feb 2022 in Senate: That would be if the extent of the education really had a direct correlation with your leadership capacity but it is not so. We have seen, people in this Parliament who have titles such as Professor or Doctor. In fact, there was one in the last Parliament I think the previous one from Nyanza. People used to ask from where and what kind of view
  • 16 Feb 2022 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 16 Feb 2022 in Senate: professor he was. This is because when they speak, they rick of ignorance even on a basic debate on a very simple issues. I like the example of the late hon. Tom Mboya and even more recent examples that we have heard. You hear them; you hear education. You can tell that this person has considered a matter. That was the case even for the late hon. Martin Shikuku, who held the record for debate in Parliament. He would speak for a week and speak very well in proper debate. He would understand the law. We had people like hon. ... view
  • 16 Feb 2022 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, hon. Tom Mboya did more beyond just doing the Sessional Paper, which I saw Sen. Halake does not like. If there was one person who did the heavy lifting on the journey to independence, it was Tom Mboya. He was the one negotiating the Littleton Settlement and the Lenox-Boyd Constitution. When he went to London with Jomo Kenyatta and Jaramogi, they would be put in dormitories while he would be put up at the Piccadilly because he was the one who had been talking with the foreign office. From there, he was the one writing the letter, ... view
  • 16 Feb 2022 in Senate: Educational qualification on paper is not a guarantee of leadership capacity and ability. Very many of our MCAs and our colleagues from the other House have approached us saying, “I have led these people. I have been a councillor there and became an MCA. I have led these people all this time. Why are you blocking us?” I am glad that Sen. Murkomen has come with the statistics that only 3.5per cent of Kenyans who hold degree qualification. Mr. Speaker, Sir, if we were even to put threshold because it says that Parliament shall enact a law determining the qualification, ... view
  • 16 Feb 2022 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 16 Feb 2022 in Senate: I insist for the seat of the Governor and the President there needs to be some threshold. It should all be an aptitude test. We have had people here such as governors in their last term and the other term who have papers, but there no education in them. Some were even struggling to read. Would you rather have that person who is struggling to read but has a document that says he has gone to school and he has been given the power to read or have a person who is a Certified Public Accountant(CPA-K), who has done up ... view
  • 16 Feb 2022 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view


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