16 Feb 2022 in Senate:
We have gone through this as a Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee. There were two proposals. One by Sen. Murkomen and one by Sen. Olekina. We tried to harmonize because Sen. Olekinas’ was different. He was saying that for you to be a councillor, you should have been a former councillor as well as an MCA. It was a bit complicated in looking at it because you cannot choose when to have been a councillor. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, if you look at, it the Constitution says that you can run for office if you are 18 years ...
16 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker Sir, a young person, at 18, can finish school and say the Constitution allows him or her to vie. Why is there this undue restriction? This is because it would take them another four to five years to go to university. I urge Sen. Olekina not to try and convince us to make an amendment. Let us not do the same process twice in terms of two laws. The first one that came was Sen. Murkomen’s. I think this is the way to go.
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker Sir. I rise to support this Bill, the Special Needs Education Bill which is sponsored by Sen. (Dr.) Musuruve and Sen. (Prof.) Kamar. First, just to note that this advent of co-sponsoring Bills is really a novel idea that has only being done by the Senate and it produces very good results. Different Senators have different expertise in different areas that are dear to them and the synergy that is created really brings quality legislation. The first Bill that was sponsored by two Senators was one of the Bills by Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. and ...
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
I want to thank the President Uhuru Kenyatta as well as the First lady because it is the First Lady helped us push for it and was able to give us a bus. I got a bus with special facilities at the back to get wheelchairs in and the bus was handed over to Simaton. It goes round Nairobi picking up some of these special needs children. It is not enough; it is a drop in the ocean. Mr. Temporary Speaker Sir, the strength of a country is not based on its foreign exchange reserves or its military but on ...
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
In Form Two, I was taking 18 subjects including woodwork, power mechanics, building and construction, metalwork, artwork, drawing and design. We did not go deep into all those things but by the time you completed school, you were able to do something. Ideally, our curriculum should not be standard for the whole country.
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, a child completing form four in Samburu should immediately be of benefit to the economy of Samburu. If they go for higher education, the better but for immediate purposes, their skills are required there; whether it is livestock farming or any other relevant field. By the time a young person in Mombasa completes school, he should be able to participate in the blue economy or in the port activities at an elementary level.
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Someone who comes from the agricultural areas should have agricultural skills because education is to impact the community, not for exam purposes only. A child in Habaswein does not need to do the same exact exam as a child in Lavington. What are you measuring? There are certain basics like Maths, English, Chemistry and Physics that can be measured but for the rest of it, we should equip and educate children to be of benefit to our society especially with devolution.
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
When I look at some of the provisions here, they are talking about the responsibilities of County Governments but this is limited to Early Childhood Development (ECD) because of the Second Schedule. They point to the Fourth Schedule; that a county government shall be responsible for implementation and effective delivery of special needs education with respect to the institutions falling under their mandate.
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, that is a bit limiting. In certain places, we will need to invoke Article 187 of the Constitution. This is not a campaign promise, I have said this and it is something I believe in. Last year at the beginning, I was touched. I went to one of my schools in Dagoretti North Constituency to donate desks because during the Covid- 19 pandemic, many desks had been vandalized. People stole them for the scrap metal and wood.