15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
When I donated those desks, the children were told that their Senator was around and they became excited. We went and sat with them. As usual, I asked them what I should do for them. You would expect them to say they needed more balls to play or a school bus if they are ambitious. Those children told me that they want food.
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, those children said all they wanted was food because there was no food at home and there was no food in school. One of the things I will make sure is done in Nairobi is to ask for the school feeding function to be transferred from the National Government to the county governments. We must feed the children.
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Right now, the Government together with a lady who does Food for Education feeds around 33,000 children. One kitchen serves 11 schools. I am glad that my Member of Parliament for Dagoretti South, Hon. Kiarie John KJ has taken up the issue and has built a kitchen. Hon. Theuri from Embakasi West is doing the same. I know Hon. Yusuf and Hon. Korir are also doing the same. With Kshs15 the children get 650 gm. of food and they take it back home too. They eat half of the food and carry the half back home because they have other ...
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, this must be a responsibility of the Government. I do not know what is more important than this. I know there are school feeding programs maybe in the arid areas and that is how Nairobi has been discriminated against. When The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
you say those are marginalized areas because it is the Northern dry part of the country whilst there is urban poverty that bites so hard.
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
In Nairobi, if you do not have money you have no place to stay and you will have nothing to eat. God willing, if I am elected the governor of Nairobi County, that school feeding program in Nairobi City is a function we will take up including the one for special needs. The National Government does not have the capacity to be able to support such a program of school feeding and even on special needs. Their focus is spread too thinly.
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, these are things we must do. Disability has changed over time. At some point, it was seen as a medical issue but now it is more of a human rights issue. If we all went outside of the Kenya International Conference Centre (KICC) and there were no stairs, there would be no difference between you and somebody who is abled differently on a wheelchair. All of us would not get up. Going up the KICC has been made possible by the stairs and lifts. In the same way, there needs to be complete provision. I remember ...
8 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I rise to support this list of Members to the SBC. I am surprised that Sen. Khaniri has served six terms and then on his last year, he has recognised he needs to be in the SBC as he leaves to go to become a Governor. That is on a light note but he raises a good point. In other words, I am saying that you are leaving the Legislature and you are going to be a Governor, God willing. Mr. Speaker, Sir, this is a Committee which is, basically, a House keeping Committee. I ...
8 Feb 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
8 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Orengo will attest, if I am not blowing a trumpet, that I am very objective when it comes to matters of the House. Mr. Speaker, Sir, as we improve upon our Standing Orders, I have learnt one thing. This is because I was in the House Business Committee (HBC) in the National Assembly from 2013 and in the Senate until Sen. Murkomen de-whipped me when he was the Senate Majority Leader.