10 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I join you in welcoming the students from Uasin Gishu County. I am sure they are really inspired to see that their Senator is on The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
10 Apr 2019 in Senate:
the Chair. I welcome them to Nairobi City County and I hope they will enjoy the rest of their stay.
10 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I am grateful to Sen. Mwaruma. Just last week, I led a delegation of the Senate to his county to address the issue of illegal herders. You could tell that the people feel that they have a Senator who is representing them in this House. So, I congratulate and thank him for raising the pertinent issue of land compensation.
10 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, our Constitution is very clear and I am glad that Sen. Wetangula has pointed us to Article 40 of the Constitution. I will just read further what he had stated. Article 40(3) states as follows:- ―The State shall not deprive a person of property of any description, or of any interest in, or right over, property of any description, unless the deprivation –
10 Apr 2019 in Senate:
results from an acquisition of land or an interest in land or a conversion of an interest in land, or title to land, in accordance with Chapter Five; or
10 Apr 2019 in Senate:
is for a public purpose or in the public interest and is carried out in accordance with this Constitution and any Act of Parliament that— (i) requires prompt payment in full, of just compensation to the person; and (ii) allows any person who has an interest in, or right over, that property a right of access to a court of law.‖ Madam Temporary Speaker, in many places you will find that the excuse used is that people do not hold title deeds. It states:-
10 Apr 2019 in Senate:
―(4) Provision may be made for compensation to be paid to occupants in good faith of land acquired under Clause (3) who may not hold title deeds to the land.‖ These provisions are being ignored every day in this country. Just the other day we brought here a petition for compensation to those who owned property and are affected by the expansion of the road along JKIA, Likoni Road and James Gichuru Road. This is happening in Nairobi and those are people who are earning their living from those businesses along that road. Nothing has been done.
10 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, as Sen. Cheruiyot has said, it seems as if when it comes to matters of the common mwananchi, the Government treats them differently. If this compensation was for those who had speculated and got property because they know where the design is, they would have got their money promptly. However, today, all the issues we bring to this House show us that we are treating the ordinary Kenyan with so much disdain and in a very unfair manner. Who will speak out for the ordinary mwananchi?
10 Apr 2019 in Senate:
I brought a Statement here the other day; Kenyans in Eastlands from Chokaa area, Mihang‘o going all the way to Kayole and up the other side to Dandora are being evicted because of the power lines. There are those who are in between the power lines and we said that even for those who need to be removed, they be removed properly. However, The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
10 Apr 2019 in Senate:
those carrying out the evictions have moved beyond the stipulated 15 to 20 metres and are now destroying houses. Imagine the pain and agony of a parent who has to explain to their child in the evening why they have no home. These are Kenyans who have taken mortgages, which they have been paying over time, and they have built houses. We are talking about housing in the Big Four Agenda but we are demolishing houses with reckless abandon.