Johnson Arthur Sakaja

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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 3211 to 3220 of 5036.

  • 11 Apr 2019 in Senate: We have forgotten that sports is a frontier for economic development. We talk about the economy and forget that sports and the arts, music – we must make sure we have the minimum quota of 60 per cent local content. For example, a child in Nairobi today or wherever in the country, thinks that all the talent comes from Alejandro in Mexico and from Nigerian music. We are not playing Kenyan music. It must be played – television and radio stations must pay royalties to our artistes because that is a frontier for the economy. Not everybody is book smart ... view
  • 11 Apr 2019 in Senate: I know my time is up but I just ask for one more minute because there is an important point touching on my Committee that I have not touched on – national security. view
  • 11 Apr 2019 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker, for your kindness. We have spoken here time and time again about extra judicial killings. Being a young person in this country or in Nairobi should not be a crime. I know of more than 30 boys who have disappeared. If they were criminals, the criminal justice system should have taken care of them. We must have co-operation between the police and the community. I am glad that the Inspector General said that he is going to work on that. Our girls are being killed. Ivy Wangechi was killed the other day. There is insecurity ... view
  • 11 Apr 2019 in Senate: Thank you very much Madam Temporary Speaker. I rise to support this Motion; that the House adjourns pursuant to the provisions of our Standing Orders. As has been said, this is procedural in terms of it being provided for in our Senate Calendar. It is a time that coincides with us having this very important Legislative Summit. We are going to the Legislative Summit after we have just had the Devolution Conference. I am sure if I asked many of my colleagues what actionable outcomes came out of the Devolution Conference that was heavily funded by taxpayers--- There was a ... view
  • 11 Apr 2019 in Senate: It is an opportunity for us to have candid conversations. I hope that the sessions will be interactive. Before we go to those sessions, there is some preparatory work that has been done. I am glad we have a steering Committee. When we come back, it will be very clear to every Senator what the impact of that Summit will have been. This will also apply to the thousands of MCAs out there, who are the basic unit and defenders of devolution. Madam Temporary Speaker, as Sen. Wetangula has said, it will be good for us to think beyond just ... view
  • 11 Apr 2019 in Senate: As we go for recess, we should be aware of what is in the hearts and minds of the people of Kenya. It has been a tough time for many people in various parts of this country because of the hunger. Mine is not a pastoralist or an agricultural county but it is the worst hit when there is no food because of urban poverty. view
  • 11 Apr 2019 in Senate: In Kiswahili, we say Nairobi ni shamba la mawe . If you do not have food in Nairobi, you have no food. There is no garden at the back of the house where you can get some greens and there is no neighbour who can give you a tin of maize. view
  • 11 Apr 2019 in Senate: In this country, the rains will come as a surprise because we are not ready for the rains. The drainages need to be unclogged and water harvesting needs to be done. However, you will find people crying because of floods. After that, drought comes as a surprise. We are in the 21st Century but we still depend on rain-fed agriculture. We still get food donations from countries that are water-scarce like Egypt and Israel. Shame on us all! I hope this will be the last episode of drought and famine because it has caused a lot of insecurity. view
  • 11 Apr 2019 in Senate: We went to Sen. Mwaruma‟s county and the insecurity there is not about herders but drought and the search for pasture. The interaction between crop farmers and livestock keepers has caused a lot of untold agony in this country. So, let it not be that hunger, rain or lack of it come as a surprise. Our Meteorological Department is one of the best on the Continent but maybe their advice is just pushed to the shelves. As we go on recess, I pray that committees with work to be done will do it. As of today and in the weeks ... view
  • 11 Apr 2019 in Senate: hope that the issue will be looked into during the recess, so that Nairobi City County Executive is properly constituted. As I finish, I thank Senators for the support I have had on the issues raised about young people in this country. The level of unemployment is very high. Every turn they take to look for a job, they are oppressed, harassed and fought. I have spoken about bodaboda riders, Uber drivers and hawkers who are accused of selling counterfeit goods. All of them have some hope in this House. As we fight corruption, let us not fight the youth. ... view


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