2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I think I would also benefit from having that Supplementary Order Paper so that I can move the Motion in the words which are written.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move the following Motion:- THAT, pursuant to Article 245(2)(a) of the Constitution, Section 12 of the National Police Service Act, 2011, Section 8 of the Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) Act, 2011 and Standing Order The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
No.71 of the Senate, this House approves the Joint Report of the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security of the National Assembly and the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations of the Senate on the nomination of Mr. Hilary Nzioki Mutyambai, for appointment to the position of Inspector General of the National Police Service laid on the Table of the Senate on Tuesday, 2nd April, 2019. Mr. Speaker, Sir, Sen. Judith Pareno will second this Motion. On the 19th and 20th March, 2019, the Speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Justin Bedan Muturi and the Speaker ...
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Article 245(1) and 245(2) of the Constitution established the office of the IG of Police which is an office in the NPS. The IG is appointed by the President with the approval of Parliament. Unlike other provisions, the Constitution says Parliament in its entirety and not just the National Assembly. That is what necessitated us to sit down with the National Assembly Committee on the same.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
The IG of Police exercises independent command on the NPS. In Article 245 - and Sen. Olekina is very knowledgeable of it - no one can direct the IG of Police unless through the Constitution.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, the name of this nominee and his Curriculum Vitae (CV) were referred to both Houses and to the relevant committees. A Communication was issued by you Sir, that directed that the approval hearing meetings be conducted jointly by both Houses as required by the Constitution and statute.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Just for a clarification, it was not a joint committee because our Standing Orders are clear about the procedure of setting up a joint committee. It was a Joint Sitting of the relevant specific committees of both Houses.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Section 6(9) of the Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) Act provides that- “Any person may, prior to the approval hearing, and by written statement on oath, shall provide the Clerk with evidence contesting the suitability of a candidate to hold the office to which the candidate has been nominated.” To this end, the office of the Clerk of the National Assembly and the office of the Clerk of the Senate jointly published an advertisement in the print media inviting members of the public generally to present written statements and submissions. Another advertisement was also issued on Thursday, 21st March, 2019 to ...
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Senate Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations together with the National Assembly Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security would hold a joint approval hearing on Thursday, 28th March, 2019. Mr. Speaker, Sir, all of the requirements of the law were followed to the letter. We thank the Clerks of the Senate and National Assembly for making sure that they followed the provisions of the law. Both Committees held a joint preparatory meeting on 27th of March, 2019 to familiarize themselves with the CV of the nominee and prepare for the approval hearing.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
We carried out the approval hearing the following day on Thursday, 28th March, 2019 and compiled a report that the Leader of the Majority has tabled today on behalf of the Committee and we thank him very much for doing that for us. Mr. Speaker, Sir, in conducting that hearing, we relied, of course, on the provisions of the law, namely; the Constitution, the National Police Service Act 2011, the Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval Act), 2011 and Standing Orders of the respective Houses.