Johnson Arthur Sakaja

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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 3291 to 3300 of 5036.

  • 2 Apr 2019 in Senate: The committees made observations which we have listed in the Report. I urge Members to get a copy of this Report and go through it. The observations are on the basis of the constitutional and legal requirements for holding this office as well as the submissions of the nominee himself made during the approval hearing. Our recommendation was based on the evidence and information from the proceedings of the Committee during the vetting exercise. view
  • 2 Apr 2019 in Senate: It is very important that Members go through this Report. If you go even further to the submissions by the nominee, when somebody is looking for a job they make promises and commitments. Those are ones that that this House can use to hold him to account if he is approved. We wish to thank the offices of the Speakers of the National Assembly and the Senate, the Clerks of the Senate and the National Assembly and their staff for the logistical support accorded to us during the vetting exercise. We thank the media for the live coverage of the ... view
  • 2 Apr 2019 in Senate: He has served as the Regional Intelligence Coordinator in Coast and Nairobi regions and has been a Superintendent of Police. He has also served as the Second Secretary at the Kenyan High Commission in Uganda. Therefore, based on that, he has wide experience. He has undergone several professional trainings among them counter-terrorism, performance management systems, senior management courses, operational management courses, detection and prevention of fraud and forgeries among others. This is quite an issue right now in our country. Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Committee having considered the nominee’s field questionnaire, his CV and oral submissions during the approval hearing ... view
  • 2 Apr 2019 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, in the last few months, I am glad that the Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations has moved step by step together with the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government and the NPS in terms of the reforms. They have been engaging us and we have been meeting. The only thing we did not discuss is the colour of the new uniform. However, in terms of harmonizing the two forces, redistributing and making sure that the ratio of the police to the population is as per the United Nations (UN) standards, we have ... view
  • 2 Apr 2019 in Senate: Committee in that hearing happened to come from the same community as the nominee who said that he does not know them personally. It is not a bad thing. I imagine if the nominee was a Kisii, the friends of the Committee who would have come, based on our practice as a people, would likely be from that same community. If the nominee was a Luhya, those who would have come would likely be from that community. Mr. Speaker, Sir, we asked the nominee to give an affirmation to the country that, one, he does not look at this country ... view
  • 2 Apr 2019 in Senate: If you go to some Senators’ offices, you will find that secretaries, personal assistants and drivers are from their communities. We must break the shackles and the poison of the politics of the past that has divided us, as a country, based on our ethnicity. Competence does not have any direct relation with where you are born in this country. Nobody chose where they would be born. The nominee gave us that assurance and we will hold him to account. view
  • 2 Apr 2019 in Senate: We know what has been happening in the past in that office and we have the names. However, I do not think there is any reason to deal with this retributively because there is also what we call reverse discrimination. view
  • 2 Apr 2019 in Senate: I can see young people in the Public Gallery. We must give our young people the hope that the Kenya that we are creating is a Kenya where tomorrow it will not matter where you were born, what your last name is or who your father was. If you have the content of character and the credentials, you should make it to any office of the Republic of Kenya. view
  • 2 Apr 2019 in Senate: Additionally, a question that kept recurring in the approval hearings was the issue of extrajudicial killings. I have said repeatedly on this Floor that as the Senator for Nairobi City County, it happens daily. From November last year to date, I have a list of 30 young people who have died at the hands of the police. We keep on saying that a country at war with its young people is a country that is not only cannibalizing itself but a country that has no future. view
  • 2 Apr 2019 in Senate: There have been cases of extrajudicial killings at the hands of the police. Let me not even go to the stories of Baby Pendo and the rest. Every day, young people feel that if they are caught outside at a certain time, they will be shot. We know many who have been pulled out of garbage trucks. It is not even self defence anymore. view


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