2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Mutyambai was the Regional Director of intelligence in Nairobi. We asked him his commitment to make sure that if somebody commits a crime, they should be presented through the criminal justice system. The rule of law must always rise above the rule of man because the rule of man is always subjective. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
I am glad that the Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights and the National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations committees have committed to visit those areas. There will be a county visit to the Coast this weekend and we will also visit certain areas in Nairobi. The police should know that just because they have guns, it does not mean they must kill. It is only God who has the right to take away life or if we are in a state of war as a country.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, it pains me because the young people are not statistics. Some of them were in my campaign team and I know them by name. It is painful to give an explanation to a mother on what happened to their child. So, on this one, as a House, we must stand with the young people of our country against extrajudicial killings.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
If you look at the Ransley Report, you will be embarrassed. If you look at the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) report of last year, you will be sad. You will be left wondering whether we are at war internally. It is just because the numbers are never published and they do not make it to the media. Those are lives lost.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
There is a young man who had given a Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) talk at a certain university in the West and he was acknowledged internationally. When he came home for holiday in Nairobi, he was killed in Kibera. We stole away his future and that of his children. That is sad. The other day, six bodies were found in Tsavo National Park and they are suspected to be products of extrajudicial killings.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
I know of a young man who came to Nairobi for the first time over the holidays to visit his aunt in Dandora. The aunt had invited him to come and see Nairobi. During his stay, I think less than a week, the young boy was shot, not in the streets or while committing a robbery, but in the house. I know young people who are arrested because of being out in the evening.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
There was also a situation where when people were told to kneel down and lift their hands up, one officer came and asked the other why he was wasting time with the young people and opened fire. That officer is still walking in the streets of Nairobi. We cannot have a police service that does not serve all Kenyans.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
The nominee, Mr. Mutyambai, was also the Regional Director of Intelligence in the former Coast Province. We also asked him about the proliferation of drugs in the coastal region which has reached an alarming rate. Since he was the Regional Director of intelligence in that area, we wanted to know what he did about it. What he said, according to me, was almost a flimsy excuse. He said that his work was to get the information and give it to other agencies. I asked him whether we should expect victory in the war against the proliferation of drugs if he ...
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, today, Kenya is a transit route for drugs. It is not the drugs you used to deal with when you were in public administration. It is no longer bhang. Nowadays, bhang is a small drug because it is frequently used everywhere. We are talking about heroin, cocaine and ecstasy. We are talking about serious drugs.
2 Apr 2019 in Senate:
There are some clubs that I know in this City where if you go and ask for “fairy dust”, you will get it. It is our children who buy it. In fact, those expensive drugs are not being peddled in the slums anymore. They are now in the high-end areas where some of The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.