20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. The Senate Majority Leader says there is a stranger. I do not know who he is referring to. I do not know whether it is His Excellency the incoming --- The Senator for Baringo County.
20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
I am really delighted to welcome to ---
20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Si umesikia nimesema .
20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
I am delighted to welcome the MCAs from Vihiga County. Sen. Khaniri will tell you that Vihiga County is very close to me. It is a county where my great grandfather, Mr. Harun Khasoa
20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
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20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Kubasu – after absconding the throne from the line of Kabakas – went to learn God’s word at Kima. From there, he went to Bushiangala to donate land to the church in sen. Malala’s County. That is why when I had to go through our cultural rites, I went to a place called Kima.
20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
, MCAs from Vihiga County Assembly. Please, make sure as you pass by Mbale Shalom Academy Primary School, you greet Mama Esther who is my mother. Sorry, Mr. Speaker, Sir, where come from, we like sending greetings. So, we must send greetings.
20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
I spent a lot of time in Bunyore. They will tell you that the longest serving Principal was Ms. Esther Muhanji who brought up that school. She also raised me.
20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Additionally, I have noted that they have come with a good number of female MCAs. The ratio is good between the male and female MCAs. Just coming from the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) where I was representing the men and women of Kenya on the status of women, it is encouraging to see that the Chairperson of that Committee is a female. In many other county assemblies, we have heard MCAs trying to say that nominated MCAs should not vote. That is unconstitutional. There are some who even dropped nominated MCAs from Committees. That is extremely unconstitutional. ...
20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Additionally, Mr. Speaker, Sir, I welcome the students from the University of Nairobi, my alma mater . I am proud of this university. That is where I honed my leadership skills at the Student Organisation of the University of Nairobi (SONU). We hope that we can have a greater interaction with these students. I think many of them might be doing Masters or the undergraduate. Let us do a greater partnership between the Senate and these two institutions.