20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, Sir. There is a quote that Martin Luther King once gave in September, 1960 at the Golden Anniversary Conference. He said that it is a trite yet true observation that if America is to remain a first class country, it cannot have a second class citizen. This is true for Kenya as well. If Kenya is to remain a first class country, it cannot have a second class citizen. Mr. Speaker, Sir, if you saw how when the doctors from Cuba were being received in Kenya, governors were falling over themselves trying to welcome ...
20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I note that the acting Leader of Majority is trying to rush that you put the question while we want to contribute to this. First of all, I support this Motion of the swap. Sen. Ochillo-Ayacko being a former Minister of Energy, is well suited to be a Member of the Standing Committee on Energy and Sen. Chebeni will bring the much needed vigour to re-invigorate the Standing Committee on National Cohesion, Equal Opportunity and Regional Integration. The reason I wanted to contribute is this, I strongly feel - and I am glad the Minority Leader is ...
20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
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20 Mar 2019 in Senate:
The Senator for Turkana County will tell you that in as much as there have been flare- ups, in the area of Lokwar Nakuse in his county it has remained largely peaceful. If that is not the case, we are ready to go back there now as the Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations. We were able to achieve so much in such a short time despite huge difficulties because of interest. I would plead with the leadership of this House, from the leadership of Majority to the leadership of Minority, let us stop acting like we own ...
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I had to interrupt my good friend, because he has made a statement that cannot go unchallenged. Is it in order for the hon. Member to allege that the response to his Statement on this important issue was wishy-washy – whatever that means – yet when the response came more than a year ago, the Senator who asked the question did not express any reservation or disappointment? Mr. Speaker, Sir, my Committee, which has distinguished Senators like Sen. Wetangula, Sen. Dullo and many others here, works very hard and would have continued ...
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
order for him to come a year later to say that that response was not satisfactory, yet the matter as dealt with and done away with?
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, it is in order for me to smile on any matter, because that is my natural disposition. I would like to inform my uncle, the Senator for Bungoma, that the Chairperson of the Committee on Security, Defence and Foreign Relations, Sen. Haji, sought leave of absence for a period, because of other duties. Therefore, for the time being, I am the acting Chair of the Committee on Security, Defence and Foreign Relations. Even without that, in his absence, as the Vice Chairperson who was elected unanimously, including by Sen. Wetangula, I act on his behalf as the ...
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for that direction. I want to urge you to reconsider the Committee that should look at this issue, because of its history. It has previously been dealt with by the Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations. It is best placed in that Committee because the Department of Immigration is under the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, which is oversighted by the same Committee.
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I am still the Chairperson there as well, contrary to Sen. Wetangula’s assertion---
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to do it faster than that.